What Would Jesus Do?
Emmanuel (God with us), Jesus looked into the hearts of religious and politically powerful men and then bluntly told them ...
Emmanuel (God with us), Jesus looked into the hearts of religious and politically powerful men and then bluntly told them ...
Walter Brueggemann’s The Prophetic Imagination was the selection for the Libertarian Christian Institute’s first book club discussion. Register for future ...
As much as sensible libertarians would like to be discussing and debating substantive issues like the national budget, economic freedom, ...
Why should Christian libertarians care about social justice? Perhaps at no other time in human history has that question been ...
“Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor ...
Calling them to Himself, Jesus said to them, “You know that those who are recognized as rulers of the Gentiles ...
Tim Keller recently published an article entitled, “A Biblical Critique of Secular Justice and Critical Theory.” His article is a ...
A few weeks ago, I had the distinct pleasure of being on David Gornoski's excellent A Neighbor's Choice radio show ...
Doctor Wright points to how the early church revolutionized the way we think about our fellow human beings by caring ...
Rene Girard: “'Saul, why do you persecute me?' (Acts 22.7). This is the fundamental question. Christian conversion is our discovery ...
“There is no sport for the ignoramus like killing a useful word.” –Owen Barfield, World’s Apart, 1963 The meaning of words can ...
It is part of human development that people from every generation must come to terms with and decide what to ...
I have a friend in Papua New Guinea named Monica Pauluswho was accused of casting sorcery spells because a person ...
Friend of the Libertarian Christian Institute David Gornoski recently interviewed Jason Jones — a Catholic activist and human rights worker ...
Christians throughout the centuries have always communicated the good news of the Kingdom of God in the vernacular of their ...
When progressives emphasize social justice by using collectivist phrases like “common good” and “caring for our neighbor,” the typical reaction ...
Since publishing this review, contributor Jason Jewell joined us for the Libertarian Christian Podcast. Listen to the interview here. If ...
During a breakout session at the 2015 International Students for Liberty Conference, I was part of a panel with Norman ...
Pope Francis addressed the United Nations assembly at a recent conference regarding solutions to world hunger, saying that states across ...
Christians who identify with a Left political ideology frequently appeal to state intervention in the market as a means of ...
Regular LCC readers know Doug Stuart well, and I know all attendees will be thrilled to meet him in person ...
Whenever statistics about inequality and the so-called “control of wealth” get published, the Progressive blogosphere goes wild and their social ...
This is part three of a series liveblogging Tim Suttle’s book, Public Jesus. You can read the introduction to the series here, my ...
Tim Suttle, whose first book I reviewed here, recently published his second work, Public Jesus. The copy the publisher sent ...
Tim Suttle, author of An Evangelical Social Gospel? (which I reviewed here) recently posted an article in the Huffington Post ...
It is certainly true that the Church has divided severely over issues throughout its 2,000-year history, but the last few ...
In 2007 Barack Obama promised us Hope and Change. Change hardly came and hope is long gone. Even his most ...
What does “social justice” mean? To the extent that it is about justice – outputs being aligned with inputs; effect ...
Progressive Christians deride libertarian individualism as contrary to the value system of the Kingdom of God. In their minds, to ...
Norman’s Note: I have been blessed to get to know Doug Stuart over the last year, and what a pleasure ...
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