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How well do you know Christian libertarianism?
Take this quiz to see how well you know what a Christian view of libertarianism is.
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Which Bible passages are often cited referencing submission to government?
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Romans 13:1-7
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned Tags1 Peter 2:13-14
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsTitus 3:1
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsProverbs 31:10
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Are all governments established by God?
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Yes, of course! "... for there is no authority except that which God has established."
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsYes, but they are limited to what is in the US Constitution.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsGod has ordained civil governance, but that doesn't mean everyone who claims governmental authority have been ordained by God to rule.
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What limitations do I have as an individual under libertarianism?
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Whatever is listed in the Bill of Rights or US Constitution.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsCivilly, individuals are prohibited from intiating aggression against others. Non-aggressive immorality may be addressed by non-civil entities such as the church.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsAnything that the government can't physically stop.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsAbsolutely nothing, you heathen!
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Since libertarians are capitalist, are Christian libertarians disobeying 1 Tim 6:10 by pursuing profit?
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Christians can seek profit so long as they donate all their excesses to charity.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsChristians can seek profit, but must be willing to pay higher taxes for government programs that help the poor.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsChristians aren't disobeying 1 Tim 6:10 so long as they aren't pursuing money as an end in itself. It's the love of money that's prohibited, not the mere accumulation of it.
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As a Christian libertarian, would I have to endorse prostitution as legitimate work?
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsThe legality of a behavior doesn't make it a moral behavior.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsDecrminalizing prostitution makes it easier for women to leave it. We endorse that.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsYes! Sex work is work.
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Without government, who would build the roads?
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Christians can seek profit so long as they donate all their excesses to charity.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsNo one! You will have dirt roads, and you'll be happy.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsChristians can seek profit, but must be willing to pay higher taxes for government programs that help the poor.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsBusiness interested in making it easier to get to their businesses. It would be a cost of doing business.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsChristians aren't disobeying 1 Tim 6:10 so long as they aren't pursuing money as an end in itself. It's the love of money that's prohibited, not the mere accumulation of it.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsBusinesses who specialize in the service of building roads and charge tolls.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsConstruction companies building neighborhoods will write the cost of the roads into the price of the house.
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Okay, but libertarians are prochoice - Christians cannot support abortion
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We're secretly prosletyzing libertarians so they'll become Christian and therefore prolife.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsWe understand that this is a complicated issue and people on both sides hold good faith positions, so we leave it up to individuals to decide.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsWe don't actually know when life begins, so we cannot know when rights begin, therefore Christians can support abortion.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsHistorically libertarians have not been settled on the abortion issue, and we argue that abortion is a violation of the non-aggression principle and therefore anti-libertarian.
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What do Christian libertarians think about our relationship to the environment?
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God has provided people the tools that we need to face these challenges, starting with the first garments he fashioned for Adam and Eve from animal skins (Gen. 3:21)
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsGod told Adam then that life after sin would require hard work (Gen. 3:17–19, 23)
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned Tags As we use the resources that God has seen fit to grant us, we should use them as mindful stewards of a divine blessing (Matt. 25:14–30).
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned Tags The righteous take care to leave something of value for future generations (Prov. 13:22).
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