Faith Seeking Freedom Podcast
Your questions about faith and liberty deserve thoughtful answers, and we’re dedicated to giving you solid responses so you can live free and flourish. Subscribe, rate, and review this podcast so we can reach even more people with the message of liberty.

How do I Influence Friends Who Work in Government?
Cody Cook addresses a listener’s question on how to engage friends and family employed in government roles on libertarian issues that impact them. Cody is joined by Alex, a libertarian who works within the public school system, offering firsthand insight into this delicate matter. Alex shares his journey to libertarianism,

Is a Christian Approach to Objectivism Possible?
Summary – Is a Christian Approach to Objectivism Possible? In this episode of the Faith Seeking Freedom Podcast, host Cody Cook explores the compatibility of Christianity and Ayn Rand’s philosophy of objectivism. Despite Rand’s dismissal of religion, some Christians are drawn to her emphasis on rational self-interest. Cody discusses John

Can a Libertarian Accept Government Benefits?
Summary – Can a libertarian accept government benefits? In this episode of the Faith Seeking Freedom Podcast, host Cody Cook addresses whether libertarians can accept government benefits. He discusses the libertarian stance against taxation and redistribution while acknowledging the complexities of living in a state-influenced society. Cody explores the moral

Is the Phrase “Taxation is Theft” a Heresy?
Summary – Is the Phrase “Taxation is Theft” a Heresy? In this episode of the Faith Seeking Freedom Podcast, host Cody Cook explores a question from an anonymous Christian anarchist: “Was the Temple Tax a violation of ‘Taxation is theft’?” Cody delves into the biblical context, explaining Israel’s covenant with

Should Christians vote and hold political office or focus only on spreading the Gospel?
Guest host Jacob Winograd addresses the question of whether Christians should vote or hold political office, or focus solely on spreading the gospel. Drawing from the book Faith Seeking Freedom, the discussion delves into the relationship between Christianity and politics, emphasizing that the gospel has real-world implications, making Christians inherently

Should Christians ever take up arms in the service to their country or should we be conscientious objectors?
Guest host Jacob Winograd responds to a question submitted by a listener about whether Christians should take up arms in the service of their country or be conscientious objectors. He delves into the definition of conscientious objector and explains the military application process for those seeking to be released from

How would property rights work under an anarchist society?
“How would property rights work under an anarchist society?” This is a question from one of our listeners, Adam: I’m wondering, in a stateless society, who would protect property rights? It seems like it would need to be a might-makes-right system, wherein those who are not strong enough to protect

How do libertarians deal with Wildlife Conservation?
This is a question from one of our listeners, Andrew: “How do libertarians deal with Wildlife Conservation?” Hello, I am a regular listener of the libertarian Christian podcast, and I heard you take questions on the faith seeking freedom podcast. My question is this: how does libertarianism deal with the

What parts of the Bible are applicable for us today?
Summary – What parts of the Bible are applicable for us today? In this episode of the Faith Seeking Freedom podcast, Dr. Norman Horn answers a listener’s question about understanding which parts of the Bible are applicable in modern times. He discusses the importance of interpreting Scripture with a hermeneutic

What is the purpose of central banking?
“What is the purpose of central banking?” The term “central banking” gets thrown around in libertarian circles so much that it’s easy to lose sight of it’s actual purpose. In this episode of the Faith Seeking Freedom podcast, Dr. Norman Horn offers a clear and succinct explanation of central banking,

What is the Difference Between a Libertarian and a Liberal?
What is the Difference Between a Libertarian and a Liberal?

What is the Difference Between a Libertarian and a Progressive?
What is the Difference Between a Libertarian and a Progressive?

What is the Difference Between a Libertarian and a Conservative?
What is the Difference Between a Libertarian and a Conservative?

How Do We Interpret 1 Peter 2?
How do we interpret “honor the emperor” in 1 Peter 2?

How Do I Convince My Pastor to Become a Libertarian?
Is there a quick and easy way to convince your pastor to become a libertarian? How do you convince somebody in positions of authority and respect to embrace libertarian thinking? Dr. Norman Horn gives salient advice on how to convince pastors (or anybody!) that libertarianism is the most consistent expression

Do All Libertarians Have to Believe “Taxation is Theft”?
Dr. Norman Horn discusses the nature of taxation and whether or not libertarians MUST believe that all taxation is theft. Are there reasons to believe that taxation can be justified if it is somewhat voluntary?

Should Christians be Against Profit?
Is the profit motive something a Christian should pursue? Should Christians capture “excess value”? Dr. Norman Horn addresses the ways in which this is not a proper analysis of what’s happening in the economy under free market exchange.

Why Embrace the Austrian School of Economics?
Learn about the reasons why Austrian economics is favored by the Libertarian Christian Institute, as well as some of what other schools of thought influence LCI. Click here to view LCI articles about economics

Was Israel an Anarchist Society in the Book of Judges?
Dr. Norman Horn addresses the significance of the statement “in those days there was no king in Israel” and whether or not the comment was a negative, positive, or neutral remark by the author.

Is There Such a Thing As a Good Cop?
Is it wrong to distrust law enforcement? Sadly, the faults of the judicial branch are being exposed increasingly. Profiling, brutality, systemic oppression, and the culture of fear surrounding police creates a distrust among citizens. Are the police given too much power over individuals’ lives? Such a position draws a state-subsidized

If Our Freedom is in Christ, Do We Need Political Freedom?
Christians have a secret: hope in Christ gives us the ability to endure everything life throws our way. But what about economic and political freedom? Doug and Norman tackle an important and oft-asked question about what kind(s) of freedom we are advocating for. Can we be free when we’re living

How is Libertarianism Biblical? How Does it Differ?
How does libertarianism align and deviate from the Bible? We will not argue that libertarianism is inherently Biblical; however, we say that libertarianism is concordant with the Bible and its tenets. We also see that the early Church was set apart as a community from the rest of the world

The Secular vs. Christian Libertarian Perspective? How to Deal with Militant People?
Libertarians can be divided merely by their view of religion. How do we differ from the secular side of libertarianism? Christian libertarians are less worried with the enemies of the earth, and strive to be the best citizen of the Kingdom of God possible. How are we called to react

The Christian Libertarian View of Gay Marriage?
The Bible has much to say on the issue of same-sex marriage, however, as Christian libertarians where should we stand? The state does not have the right to regulate how humans wish to make contracts with one another – even when it comes to a marital union. It is not

What about Ayn Rand’s Objectivism?
(SPOILER ALERT: WE SPOIL THE FOUNTAINHEAD AND ATLAS SHRUGGED.) Many people have come to libertarianism by reading Ayn Rand and appreciating her philosophy of Objectivism, however, what do Christian libertarians think of Rand and her philosophy?

Should a Christian Libertarian Support “Free” Contraception?
As Christians we should desire to see the prevention or decrease of abortions, however, as libertarians we want the state to fund things like abortion. “Free” contraception may be a good thing to avoid the need for abortions, however, we discuss the reasons why – though it may seem like

The Border Wall, Who Will Build the Roads, UBI, and More!
How should Christian libertarians view Trump’s border wall as a way to stop illegal immigration? Who will build the roads? Universal Basic Income? Catch all of this and more in this lightning round episode of the FSF Podcast!

How do I talk to conservatives about social issues like abortion?
How are we supposed to defend our beliefs as Christian libertarians when it comes to social issues like abortion or gay marriage? Why do so many people look to the state for a moral compass or solutions when it comes to these social issues when the state has continually failed

Did the Church handle COVID restrictions well?
A lot of Christians wonder why churches went along with fear culture during the pandemic and followed government restrictions for social gatherings – even though some of those regulations were unlawful/unconstitutional – when the Bible commands its followers to not live in fear? Why did this pandemic shake society and

How should Christian Libertarians View the Use of Cannabis?
When it comes to the use of cannabis products, what are Christian libertarians supposed to believe? The state has no right to dictate what each individual puts in their body, and we heavily disagree with the drug war but God prohibits the consumption of all sorts of things in the

Why are so many Christians wrong about taxation?
Most Christians in America view taxation as a completely philanthropic and voluntary form of statecraft; therefore, libertarianism is not a compatible system of beliefs for Christians. Why is this such a prevalent theme in the church? Are most Christian tenets naturally libertarian in nature otherwise?

How to Confront Nation-Idolaters
How do we approach fellow believers that are sinning by participating in statolatry – or nation idolatry? It depends on how you masy define statolatry. If at any point a believer sacrifices their citizenship in heaven in order to satisfy their earthly ruler, that individual as a follower of Christ

Addressing the Stigma of Politically Conservative Christians
How do we explain that libertarianism, politically, is a perfect match for Christianity when so often Christians are expected to be nationalist conservative-Republicans? Libertarianism, especially as a Christian, can be a hard sell when so many American Christians are such statists.

How do the Unborn Have Rights?
In a stateless private-legal system how would the rights of the unborn be defended if the individual in question cannot defend their own rights? The unborn themselves cannot make contracts, so who is left responsible for their wellbeing, beyond the parent(s)?

Is Voting Violent?
Is voting an act of unjustified aggression? Though LCI neither condones nor supports the act of voting, we discussed how voting in certain situations is indeed a direct act of aggression against fellow man. At the core, the intent behind someone’s vote is what determines the violence of the act.

The Greatest Christian Libertarians?
The Greatest Christian Libertarians? Who is the greatest Christian libertarian thinker? It can be very difficult to find thinkers who embrace both libertarianism AND Christianity, so it is always refreshing when you stumble upon someone you enjoy. Nick explains why he picks the founder of Rhode Island, Roger Williams; and Doug

Can libertarianism become an idol?
Can libertarianism become an idol? Can libertarianism become an idol? We say that it is most definitely possible to prioritize the ideology or tenets of libertarianism over that of God and Christ. Many people find their faith in political leaders and authority structures rather than finding it in the Creator,

Do We Own Ourselves?
Do We Own Ourselves? If God created us, and therefore owns us, why then do libertarians claim to own themselves? What Christian libertarians mean by this is that God owns us, and therefore, no one can own another human over God. No one individual can or should have the authority

Our Favorite Theologians
Our Favorite Theologians Today we share who our favorite theologians are, and how they have helped us as believers and libertarians.

How Do I Come Out of the Libertarian Closet?
How Do I Come Out of the Libertarian Closet? How would one tell their family that they have become a libertarian? It can be difficult to tell loved ones that you are a believer of something that is often seen as controversial to others. It is impossible to discuss these

How Do We Defend Our Rights Within the NAP?
How Do We Defend Our Rights Within the NAP? If the government were to begin taking away our means of defense, how would we defend ourselves while still respecting the principles of the non-aggression principle? We want to be prepared for the worst-case-scenario, but as liberty-loving Christians we are still

How Should We React to an Attack on U.S. Soil?
How Should We React to an Attack on U.S. Soil? If the U.S. were to be attacked again in the manner of Pearl Harbor or 9/11 what would be the best way to retaliate? Our history tells us to fight back for revenge; however, Christians are called to act differently

What Separates the Mises Institute From the Libertarian Party?
What Separates the Mises Institute From the Libertarian Party? Why is there such a difference between the Libertarian Party and the Mises Institute? Libertarianism has many sects within it that disagree with one-another due to their differing views on how liberty should be established in society. Mostly, the split occurs

Why Did the Church Follow Covid-19 Mandates?
Why Did the Church Follow Covid-19 Mandates? Why has the Church and its leaders followed the pandemic mandates when we are taught not to live in fear? Living in fear is not equivalent to precaution. By following mandates, though legislated and enforced by the state, we are showing respect for

In a Stateless Society Who Will Care for the Lesser?
In a Stateless Society Who Will Care for the Lesser? If we were to live in a libertarian society, who would take care of the orphans, elderly, sick, and poor? Would it be left to private charity, volunteers, and/or monetary support; and could the Church undertake such a role? We

Are Christians Called to be Pacifists?
Are Christians Called to be Pacifists? Should Christians be pacifists? The topic of violence and our interaction with it as Christians is a difficult subject to tackle. Defense is technically allowed within the framework of the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP). As followers of the Prince of Peace we are called to

Is it Sinful to Pledge Allegiance?
Is it Sinful to Pledge Allegiance? Does pledging allegiance to something such as a nation or flag have an object or subjective meaning? As Christians we should solely pledge allegiance to the Kingdom of God and his desires; however, as we discuss there may be particular situations in which an

Did Public Schools Create the Moral Degradation of Society?
Did Public Schools Create the Moral Degradation of Society? In today’s episode of the Faith Seeking Freedom Podcast we were asked if we saw a correlation between the moral degradation in America and the suppression of Christianity in the public school system. A lot of people have seen America as

Would Profit Still Exist in a Pre-Fallen World?
Would Profit Still Exist in a Pre-Fallen World? Have you ever wondered, “if we had never left the Garden of Eden, and we lived in a ‘pre-fallen world,’ would profit still exist?” For today’s episode of the Faith Seeking Freedom Podcast we discuss the ethics of profit, the motive behind

Can We Use Our Faith to Make Political Decisions?
Can We Use Our Faith to Make Political Decisions? We tackle the question of how we as Christian libertarians – who make political decisions based on their religious principles – explain to non-believers why faith can never be completely left out of politics. As we point out, everyone on this

Welcome to the Faith Seeking Freedom Podcast
Welcome to the Faith Seeking Freedom Podcast In our first installment of the Faith Seeking Freedom Podcast, we discuss the format of this podcast, and what you as viewers should expect from it. Our book Faith Seeking Freedom answered a lot of common questions libertarian Christians may have, but this podcast seeks
Browse more Christians for Liberty Network Shows
The Christians for Liberty Network is a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute consisting of shows and hosts offering various perspectives on the intersection of Christianity and libertarianism. Views expressed by hosts and guests do not necessarily reflect the view of the organization, its staff, board members, donors, or any other affiliates (including other hosts or guests on the network). Guest appearances or interviews of any incumbents, officials, or candidates for any political, party, or government office should not be construed as endorsements. The Libertarian Christian Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and does not endorse any political party or candidate for any political, government, or party office. For information about the Libertarian Christian Institute’s core values, please visit this page.