Biblical Anarchy e1685641512150

Biblical Anarchy Podcast

The Biblical Anarchy Podcast was created by Jacob Winograd as a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute, with the purpose of making the case for a free society and decentralized governance based on Biblical principles of limited authority and imitating Christ’s example of the leader/servant. If we render unto God what is God’s, we cannot bow down to Caesar or render anything unto him except that which he deserves. The podcast consists of exploring different Bible passages, anarchist theory, Austrian Economics, and finding the connection and harmony between them.

BAP Ep 87 Anarchy Morality

Ep. 87: Can Anarchy Promote Morality? A Biblical Perspective

Can Anarchy Promote Morality? A Biblical Perspective In this episode, host Jacob Winograd tackles a frequent critique of anarchism and libertarianism: the claim that these systems lead to societal degeneracy and moral decline. He begins by contextualizing the argument with a recent debate on Christian nationalism and a criticism of

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Daniel 3

Ep. 84: Unequally Yoked? Pursuing Coalition and Christian Values in Politics

Unequally Yoked? Pursuing Coalition and Christian Values in Politics In this episode of The Biblical Anarchy Podcast, Jacob Winograd explores the tension between separation and engagement for Christians in politics. He discusses whether Christians can participate in secular coalitions and political systems without compromising their faith. Drawing on Scripture and

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Ep. 83: Living Liberty: What Does Murray Rothbard Have to Say About Political Activism?

Living Liberty: What Does Murray Rothbard Have to Say About Political Activism? In this episode of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast, host Jacob Winograd explores the tension between isolationism and engagement within both Christianity and libertarianism. Drawing from his recently published article, “Living Liberty: Evaluating Libertarian Political Activism,” Jacob examines the

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Ep. 82: Ron Paul, Political Promises, and Libertarian Deviations: Recapping Moments From 2024 Election Livestreams

Ron Paul, Political Promises, and Libertarian Deviations: Recapping Moments In this episode of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast, host Jacob Winograd shares a selection of clips from recent election livestreams and discussions with prominent libertarian voices, including Norman Horn, Jack Lloyd, Doug Stuart, Matthew Bellis, and Monarcho-Hoppean. The episode dives into

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Ep. 81: Who Should Christians Vote For in 2024? A Biblical Perspective

Who Should Christians Vote For in 2024? A Biblical Perspective In this episode of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast, host Jacob Winograd explores the idolatrous tendencies that can arise around election seasons and the importance of placing Christ above political allegiances. As the 2024 U.S. election approaches, Jacob discusses different Christian

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Ep. 74: How Should We Interpret Biblical Prophecy? A Deep Dive into Zechariah 14

How Should We Interpret Biblical Prophecy? A Deep Dive into Zechariah 14 In this episode of the “Biblical Anarchy Podcast,” host Jacob Winograd dives deep into the theological discussions surrounding eschatology and covenant theology. He revisits themes from earlier episodes, particularly focusing on how different eschatological views—amillennialism, postmillennialism, and premillennialism—interpret

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Ep. 73: Talking to Stephen Wolfe: Does 1 Samuel 8 Undermine Christian Nationalism?

Talking to Stephen Wolfe: Does 1 Samuel 8 Undermine Christian Nationalism? Jacob engages in a thoughtful and deep conversation with Stephen Wolfe, well-known Christian nationalist political philosopher and author. The discussion focuses on the distinctions and intersections between Christian nationalism and Christian libertarianism, particularly in their views on government, political

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Ep. 72: Does Jesus Support Capitalism? Christianity and Objectivism Clash

Does Jesus Support Capitalism? Christianity and Objectivism Clash Episode Summary: In this episode of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast, host Jacob Winograd engages in a deep and challenging conversation with Michael Leibowitz, an objectivist libertarian and atheist. The discussion explores the philosophical tensions between Christian libertarianism and objectivism, particularly focusing on

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bap 71 featured image video

Ep. 71: How Does Eschatology Especially Influence Christian Political Theory?

How Does Eschatology Especially Influence Christian Political Theory? In this episode of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast, host Jacob delves into the complex landscape of the Christian right, particularly focusing on the dissident right, which includes Christian nationalism and populism. He explores various factions within the right, including neoconservatives, center-right moderates,

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When the right plays identity politcs wKyle Matovcik

Ep. 67: Do Christian Ethics Conflict with Libertarian Legal Theory?

Do Christian Ethics Conflict with Libertarian Legal Theory? In this episode, Jacob Winograd discusses libertarian legal theory with Kasimir, an experienced AnCap debater. They explore the relationship between moral and legal actions within a libertarian framework, emphasizing self-ownership and the non-aggression principle (NAP). Kasimir explains how biblical commandments against murder,

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When the right plays identity politcs wKyle Matovcik 1

Ep. 65: Does the Bible Allow for Christians to use Defensive Force?

Does the Bible Allow for Christians to use Defensive Force? Today’s question is one that’s been debated for centuries: Does the Bible allow Christians to use defensive force? In today’s episode, we dive deep into this question with some fascinating insights. We’ll talk about Jesus’s emphasis on nonviolence, turning the

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When the right plays identity politcs wKyle Matovcik 2

Does the Bible Support the Concept of a National Morality?

Does the Bible Support the Concept of a National Morality? In this episode, Jacob delves into the intersection of Christian theology and government actions. Through exploring the writings of influential Christian figures, distinctions between ecclesiastical and secular authority, and discussions on just war theory, social contract theory, and the idea

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Stephen Wolfe and the Debate on Christian Nationalism: An Analysis

Stephen Wolfe and the Debate on Christian Nationalism: An Analysis Today I reflect on my recent, thought-provoking discussion with Stephen Wolfe, author of “The Case for Christian Nationalism,” and my fellow LCI contributor, Alex Bernardo, host of the Protestant Libertarian podcast, where we discussed the complexities of Christian nationalism, libertarianism,

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When the right plays identity politcs wKyle Matovcik

The Libertarian Christian Response to the Hamas Terror Attack on Israel

The Libertarian Christian Response to the Hamas Terror Attack on Israel   This episode explores how libertarian principles of property rights and voluntary interactions conflict with the nature of war and state actions. It particularly focuses on how war and government interventions can distort market economies and human relationships, leading

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Ep. 56: Divine Authority vs. Civil Power: Examining 1 Samuel 24

Divine Authority vs. Civil Power: Examining 1 Samuel 24 As Christians, we frequently grapple with the nature of civil authority. It’s no secret that authorities aren’t absolute, and today we’ll explore the intricate dance between submission and resistance in the light of biblical teachings. We’ll take a challenging walk through

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Living counter culture a year in review of Biblical anarchy 1

How Does God Use the State To Advance His Kingdom? Re:Romans 13

How Does God Use the State To Advance His Kingdom? Re:Romans 13 In this episode of Biblical Anarchy, we confront the complexities of Romans 13 and the nature of governing authorities. We’ll also scrutinize the presuppositions associated with state power and the conduct of Christians under different types of governance.

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earthly powers

What Does Romans 13 Teach Us About Earthly Powers?

Summary – What Does Romans 13 teach us about earthly powers? In this episode, I dive into Romans 13 again. I read the passage and summarize the interpretation I and other reformed libertarians have of it. Then the bulk of this episode deals with an alternative take of Romans 13

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Open AI vs Biblical Anarchy

Open AI vs Biblical Anarchy

A Poly-Centric Legal Order: Open AI vs Biblical Anarchy In this episode, I debated the Chat GPT Open AI on whether the Bible can make a case for anarchy/a poly-centric legal order. Using a Socratic approach, I managed to convince the AI that not only would an anarchist legal order

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love your enemies Reaction to He gets us

Ep 15: “He Gets Us” Commercial, Reaction

Love Your Enemies: Imitating Christ in a Hate Filled World In this episode, I briefly go into my thoughts on the “He Gets Us” Super Bowl commercial, & where it gets some things right but some things wrong. This episode’s topic will be expanded upon in an upcoming episode with

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The Conquest of Canaan w Gregory Baus

Ep 14: Does the Conquest of Canaan Conflict with Anarchism?

Does the Conquest of Canaan Conflict with Anarchism? In this episode, I sit down with fellow CFLN podcast host Greg Baus, for a discussion on the conquest of Canaan as depicted in the OT Scripture. Often when talking about libertarian anarchist philosophy or the libertarian critiques of the State, the

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biblical anarchy liberty speaks

Ep 12: Interview with Liberty Speaks founder Irene Mavrakakis

Summary – Christians Raging Against the War Machine, with Irene Mavrakakis In this episode I sat down to talk with Irene Mavrakakis M.D.  Irene is a Christian, libertarian, physician, chair and state board rep of Kent County, Libertarian Party of Delaware and co-founder of Liberty Speaks – one of the

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biblical anarchy antiwar

Ep 3: The Foundations of an Anti-War Christian, w/ Liam McCollum

Can Christians support war while upholding the Scriptures? What should Christians be saying and praying for regarding the conflict between Russia and Ukraine? Today we dive into this topic with guest Liam McCollum. Liam McCollum is a graduate from the University of Montana’s philosophy and journalism programs and is the

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biblical anarchy temptation

Ep 2: The Temptation of Control & The First Sin

In this episode we, dive into the temptation of control that plagues mankind, a theme that is so embedded in our existence that it permeates our literature, movies, and culture. We dive into the Bible to see examples of this temptation and how it can be traced all the way

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What is biblical anarchy

Ep 1: What is Biblical Anarchy?

What does the Bible teach us about governance, authority and human relationships? What is Anarchy? Is it violent revolutionaries or radical pacifism? In this pilot episode of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast, we dive into these topics and set the stage for what this podcast’s focus and goal will be, and

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Browse more Christians for Liberty Network Shows

The Christians for Liberty Network is a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute consisting of shows and hosts offering various perspectives on the intersection of Christianity and libertarianism. Views expressed by hosts and guests do not necessarily reflect the view of the organization, its staff, board members, donors, or any other affiliates (including other hosts or guests on the network). Guest appearances or interviews of any incumbents, officials, or candidates for any political, party, or government office should not be construed as endorsements. The Libertarian Christian Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and does not endorse any political party or candidate for any political, government, or party office. For information about the Libertarian Christian Institute’s core values, please visit this page.

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