The Things That Make For Peace
I am a man of peace; but when I speak, they are for war. – Psalm 120:7 As he approached ...
I am a man of peace; but when I speak, they are for war. – Psalm 120:7 As he approached ...
Someone else having a billion dollars does no harm to you. It very likely makes their life harder – not ...
I just saw an article by venture capitalist Marc Andreessen called “It’s Time to Build.” I’m both encouraged and troubled ...
Credentialed Experts are not at the forefront of innovation and discovery, driving truth forward. Their job is to tell a ...
I’m not kidding. I just watched my kid grasp basic marketing truths that took me years in the professional world ...
Imagine a town. Maybe an early New England village. There is a dominant belief in this town that one must ...
Why am I not worried that some group of people or the entire world are ‘moving towards socialism’? Because I ...
Is the libertarian idea of self-ownership contrary to the authority of God? Not all libertarians believe in self-ownership Before discussing ...
If I could choose to be the most knowledgeable person in the world or the most curious, I’d choose the ...
“Post-scarcity”, “Post-economic”, and “Post-capitalist” are meant to convey a fundamental shift in the principles of human action, wrought by technological ...
Sometimes people say, “If you didn’t vote, don’t complain.” Nonsense. Everyone can complain. Complaining about pompous politicians and oppressive regulations doesn’t ...
“By their fruits you will recognize them.” – Jesus Not what you say, or who you like, or how you ...
After Roe v. Wade, something amazing happened. New organizations, care centers, adoption services, and support networks for pregnant mothers popped ...
Originally posted at the Values & Capitalism Blog. “The idea that churches can tackle national poverty, take care of those ...
There are innumerable arguments about the legitimacy and morality of government and its proper scope, all of which are worth ...
Any time individuals wish to exchange with one another there are transaction costs. The cost of travelling to the location ...
Cross-posted at the Values & Capitalism Project A great many people believe that changing the law is the solution to ...
What does “social justice” mean? To the extent that it is about justice – outputs being aligned with inputs; effect ...
My latest post over at the Common Sense Concept: The poor in the US are doing very well compared to ...
There have been a number of articles lately about the apparent contradictions among small-government supporters who claim Ayn Rand as ...
“The idea that churches can tackle national poverty, take care of those who are ill, and rebuild communities after natural ...
Here’s a letter I had published in the Washington Post about 1 year ago: French President Nicolas Sarkozy claims that ...
This is a post originally written for the Prometheus blog, but it no longer appears there so I thought I’d ...
A post I wrote about two years ago for the Western Standard: —- My wife and I were visiting a ...
This was originally posted on the Shotgun Blog —- The Economic Argument Arguments against immigration on economic grounds basically boil ...
If I were designing a world, and I had a moment of sheer genius and came upon the idea of ...
Christians are called to aid those less fortunate. I think that we often mistakenly take this calling as merely material. ...
I wrote my post about why I don’t watch the news some time ago. Now I see Bryan Caplan over ...
A snippet I wrote for the March 2010 issue of Liberty Magazine in the Reflections section under the title “Story ...
I personally love Milton. Paradise Lost is one of the most beautiful things in the English language. But Milton was ...
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