Christians for Liberty Network

The Libertarian Christian Institute is pleased to announce the Christians for Liberty Network, a collection of podcasts, shows, and other media featuring the voices and perspectives of a diverse group of libertarian Christians. 

Whether you’re looking for an exegetical take on Romans 13, the libertarian Christian angle on the news, how the Bible displays the prophetic voice against empire, or if you simply have a question that needs a solid answer, the Christians for Liberty Network will be your favorite source!

Latest Episodes

Ep. 51 | The World Economic Forum with Clint Russell of Liberty Lockdown
Protestant Libertarian Podcast

Ep 51: The World Economic Forum with Clint Russell of Liberty Lockdown

Prophetic Witness as a Faithful Antidote to Christian Nationalism
Libertarian Christian Podcast

Ep 317: Prophetic Witness as a Faithful Antidote to Christian Nationalism with Nilay Saiya

is civil governance without the state plausible
Reformed Libertarians Podcast

Ep 12: Is Civil Governance Without The State Plausible?

love your enemies Reaction to He gets us
Biblical Anarchy Podcast

Ep 15: “He Gets Us” Commercial, Reaction

A Critique of the ‘Just War’ Theory with Laurie Calhoun
Protestant Libertarian Podcast

Ep 50: A Critique of the Just War Theory with Laurie Calhoun

environmental stewardship
Libertarian Christian Podcast

Ep 316: Environmental Stewardship for the sake of the poor, with Cal Beisner

Lies Exposed
Good News, Bad News

Fauci Lied, Ukrainian Sirens Cried, Ohio Rivers Died

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Protestant Libertarian Podcast

Ep 49: Becoming a Christian, the Future of Global Christianity, and Nigerian Politics with Econ Bro

The Conquest of Canaan w Gregory Baus
Biblical Anarchy Podcast

Ep 14: Does the Conquest of Canaan Conflict with Anarchism?

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Protestant Libertarian Podcast

Ep 48: Why ‘Disinformation’ is Difficult to Define with Jacob Sullum of Reason Magazine

religious belief Alex Nowrasteh
Libertarian Christian Podcast

Ep 315: Ruining Religious Belief by Nationalizing It, with Alex Nowrasteh

The Truth About The Great Depression with Lawrence W Reed
Reformed Libertarians Podcast

Ep 11: The Truth About The Great Depression with Lawrence W Reed

biblical anarchy russia ukraine
Biblical Anarchy Podcast

Ep 13: Russia and Ukraine: Dissecting the War Marchine w/ Liam McCollum

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Protestant Libertarian Podcast

Ep 47: The Power of Stories, Leaving Ministry, Changing Beliefs, and Podcasting with Josh Williams of Podbless

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Protestant Libertarian Podcast

Ep 46: It’s Time to Address Covid-19

Episode 314
Libertarian Christian Podcast

Ep 314: From Leftist to Lover of Liberty, with Jacob Winograd

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Protestant Libertarian Podcast

Ep 45: Why Christianity and Libertarianism Make Sense with Doug Stuart of the Libertarian Christian Institute

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Protestant Libertarian Podcast

Ep 44: The Next City Councilman of Jacksonville, FL with Eric Parker

A Jewish Perspective on the Progressive Left with David L. Bernstein
Libertarian Christian Podcast

Ep 313: A Jewish Perspective on the Progressive Left with David L. Bernstein

climate alarmism cornwall alliance
Reformed Libertarians Podcast

Ep 10: Climate Alarmism and the Cornwall Alliance

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Protestant Libertarian Podcast

Ep 43: Covid, Ukraine, Congress, the WEF, and Liberty with Ezra Wyrick

Christians Regard the American Revolution
Libertarian Christian Podcast

Ep 312: How Should Libertarian Christians Regard the American Revolution?

biblical anarchy liberty speaks
Biblical Anarchy Podcast

Ep 12: Interview with Liberty Speaks founder Irene Mavrakakis

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Protestant Libertarian Podcast

Ep 42: How the West Brought War to Ukraine with Benjamin Abelow

The Knowledge Problem
Libertarian Christian Podcast

Ep 311: The Knowledge Problem in Theology and Philosophy with Alex Bernardo

biblical anarchy security defense
Biblical Anarchy Podcast

Ep 11: Objections to Anarchy, Answered: How the Free Market Can Provide Defense and Security

social hierarchy the state inevitable
Reformed Libertarians Podcast

Ep 9: Does Social Hierarchy or Economics Make The State Inevitable?

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Protestant Libertarian Podcast

Ep 41: 1 Samuel 8: A Biblical Critique of Monarchy

former marxist
Libertarian Christian Podcast

Ep 310: Former Marxist Explains the Great Reset with Michael Rectenwald (Re-mastered)

biblical anarchy gay marriage
Biblical Anarchy Podcast

Ep 10: Gay Marriage: Should Christians be in Favor of Legislating Against Sin?

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Protestant Libertarian Podcast

Ep 40: Why the Pledge of Allegiance is Un-American with Tom Mullen

Godarchy Podcast 1
Godarchy Podcast

My Swan Song: GodArchy Podcast 3.4

Episode 309
Libertarian Christian Podcast

Ep 309: The Libertarianism of Star Wars with Stephen Kent

boetie peaceful of the state
Reformed Libertarians Podcast

Ep 8: The Boetie Option: The Peaceful Underthrow Of The State

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Protestant Libertarian Podcast

Ep 39: Can the Pastors Save Our Divided Country?

biblical anarchy roe wade kerry baldwin
Biblical Anarchy Podcast

Ep 9: What the Bible teaches about Civil Governance & Enforcing Justices, w/ Kerry Baldwin

Christian Nationalism in the United states
Libertarian Christian Podcast

Ep 308: Christian Nationalism in the United States with Paul Miller

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Protestant Libertarian Podcast

Ep 38: The Christian Right Wants to Weaponize State Power

biblical anarchy emmanuel
Biblical Anarchy Podcast

Ep 8: What Christmas Teaches us About Peace and God’s Kingdom

get rid of taxes end world hunger
Libertarian Christian Podcast

Ep 307: Get Rid of Taxes or End World Hunger?

can libertarians be conservatives
Reformed Libertarians Podcast

Ep 7: Can Libertarians Be Conservatives?

biblical anarchy render caesar taxes
Biblical Anarchy Podcast

Ep 7: Render Unto Caesar: Are Christians Supposed to Pay Taxes?

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