Ep 367: Jesus & the Powers, with Michael F. Bird

Summary – Jesus & the Powers, with Michael F. Bird

Renowned theologian and biblical scholar Michael F. Bird joins us to explore the complex interplay between Jesus, Christianity, and the political powers that govern our world. His latest book, with N.T. Wright, is titled Jesus and the Powers, so this discussion delves deep into the foundations of political authority, the role of checks and balances in liberal democracy, and how Christians have historically engaged with—and at times transformed—political discourse.

Bird discusses his and Wright’s views on government, and examines what it means to govern wisely as a Christian in today’s diverse political landscape.

The episode doesn’t shy away from tough questions and theological debates. Does Paul’s gospel possess an anti-imperial lean, and how does this shape our understanding of Christian allegiance? What does it look like to be a Christian in politics without succumbing to the temptations of nationalism or authoritarianism? Bird provides insightful analyses into these questions, exploring the biblical perspective on government, justice, and the tricky balance between divine authority and human institutions.

Can one be both a faithful Christian and a political leader in a predominantly secular government? How do we navigate the tension between Jesus’ claim to lordship and the demands of earthly states? With Bird’s scholarly perspective, we probe into the relationship between the kingship of God and concrete expressions of power in the world.

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The Christians for Liberty Network is a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute consisting of shows and hosts offering various perspectives on the intersection of Christianity and libertarianism. Views expressed by hosts and guests do not necessarily reflect the view of the organization, its staff, board members, donors, or any other affiliates (including other hosts or guests on the network). Guest appearances or interviews of any incumbents, officials, or candidates for any political, party, or government office should not be construed as endorsements. The Libertarian Christian Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and does not endorse any political party or candidate for any political, government, or party office. For information about the Libertarian Christian Institute’s core values, please visit this page.

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