Christians and Libertarians on the Tom Woods Show
One of my first major influences as a libertarian was Dr. Thomas Woods, through his impressive articles and the lovely ...
One of my first major influences as a libertarian was Dr. Thomas Woods, through his impressive articles and the lovely ...
“I am getting more and more convinced that the war-peace question is the key to the whole libertarian business.” ~ ...
Review of Robert Emmet Meagher, Killing from the Inside Out: Moral Injury and Just War (Cascade Books, 2014), xxi + 161 pgs, ...
Join me for what will undoubtedly be a memorable radio hour of discussing Christianity and libertarianism with esteemed theologian Al ...
It happens every four years. Candidates for president issue books to sucker people to vote for them using the written ...
This talk was given on August 8, 2015 as a keynote address at the Christians for Liberty Conference in Austin, ...
Every four years, during the presidential election season, Republican candidates criticize the abuses of the IRS and the complexity of ...
There came out of the woodwork after George W. Bush’s immoral, unjust, and unnecessary invasion, occupation, and destruction of Iraq ...
For those of you who did not watch President Obama’s State of the Union address, you can read a transcript ...
In this guest post LCC welcomes Matthew Gilliland, libertarian writer and speaker. He holds a J.D. from North Carolina Central ...
“The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That’s real glory. That’s the essence of ...
One of the most historically popular (and interesting, in my opinion) articles on LCC has been my New Testament Theology ...
Pope Francis addressed the United Nations assembly at a recent conference regarding solutions to world hunger, saying that states across ...
Today, being the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, is election day. Aside from the fact that I don’t ...
Since the United States launched the unnecessary, immoral, unjust, and senseless war in Iraq in 2003, the Christian blasphemy occurring ...
David is the President of both the Independent Institute and the C.S. Lewis Society of California. In this presentation, David ...
Christians who identify with a Left political ideology frequently appeal to state intervention in the market as a means of ...
Conservatives and libertarians have a precarious relationship. On the surface, they appear to agree on some issues, but once you ...
I have long respected the work of Dr. John Cobin in the field of Christian libertarianism. His two books Christian ...
The Christians for Liberty 2014 Conference has come and gone, but now we get to post the videos from the ...
EconPop combines three of my favorite things in their latest episode: economics, movies, and LEGOs! The LEGO Movie was one ...
This guest post is by Jeremy Mack of The Evangelical Libertarian. “You’re born with a religion or you adopt a ...
This guest post is by Rev. Donald Ehrke. He is a Libertarian, a former GOP campaign manager, and ordained minister ...
An image has been making the rounds on Facebook recently suggesting that statism is not much different from a religion. ...
My wife and I joined Manuel Lora of Odds and Ends Podcast and author Lucy Steigerwald for a discussion ...
This guest post is by Rev. Donald Ehrke. He is a Libertarian, a former GOP campaign manager, and ordained minister ...
This talk was given at the Authors Forum at the 2014 Austrian Economics Research Conference at the Mises Institute. I ...
There are a number of distinctly American symbols that evoke feelings of pride, nationalism, and patriotism. There is the Constitution. ...
I have a confession to make. I have been accused of writing with an agenda. I hereby plead guilty. For ...
I am not a fan of Barack Obama. But since there are a lot of things that could be said ...
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