Christians Should Care About Wealth Inequality – When It’s Caused By The Government
Some say we are living in a new Gilded Age. The first Gilded Age, you may recall from your old ...
Posts on economics
Posts on economics
Some say we are living in a new Gilded Age. The first Gilded Age, you may recall from your old ...
AIER just released an incredible video about the ongoing war of ideas of socialism versus capitalism, exemplified in the persons ...
How different are libertarians from liberals and conservatives? Quite different.
Part I: Socialisms on a Spectrum “Democratic socialism is a democracy in which the people control the economy and government, ...
“There is no sport for the ignoramus like killing a useful word.” –Owen Barfield, World’s Apart, 1963 The meaning of words can ...
Let’s talk about walls, immigration, prohibition, etc. Notes: I mentioned this article in Chemical and Engineering News. The articles on ...
Is there something inherent in the free exchange of goods and services that make it uniquely vulnerable to degradation of ...
While in downtown Denver recently, I needed to take a cab from the convention center to Union Station in order ...
CJay Engel at The Reformed Libertarian has begun a series of articles that address the rising concern that libertarian Christians often ...
One of the benefits of living in the 21st century developed world is that we can look back at why ...
I received several comments and questions regarding trade after the publication of my recent article, “Stupid Countries Restrict Trade.” Here ...
If you spend any time paying attention to the news, you’d be under the impression that the sky is falling ...
In my last article, I introduced Gary North and his book, Christian Economics in One Lesson. This book is a ...
Credentialed Experts are not at the forefront of innovation and discovery, driving truth forward. Their job is to tell a ...
I had the pleasure of attending for the first time FEEcon this month. I met several interesting people, from fellow ...
This guest post was written by Paul LaScola. If complete slavery is defined as full forceful control over one’s actions ...
Today’s guest post is by Paul LaScola. People or companies that require production assistance and are able to pay for ...
Tax returns are due soon, and what better way to get into the involuntary spirit than to commiserate together as ...
Among Christian libertarians, as with other libertarians, there are differing views concerning the legitimacy, necessity, and inevitability of the state. For ...
Little did I know as I was planning, designing, and typesetting my new little book Free Trade or Protectionism? that ...
Imagine a town. Maybe an early New England village. There is a dominant belief in this town that one must ...
Today’s guest post is by writer/commentator Paul LaScola. The sense of God and commerce have both been with mankind ...
In 2013, in response to the increasing “open carry” debate, Howard Schultz, the chairman, president, and chief executive officer of ...
How do we win liberty for the future? Where does the liberty movement go in these rapidly changing times? A ...
Last month I did a preliminary libertarian analysis of the Republicans’ newest tax-reform plan. I concluded that their “Unified Framework ...
There are many divergent views about specific topics within libertarian Christian thought, just as there are within strictly libertarian or ...
My father and I recently finished publishing a book entitled Paradise Destroyed: The Destruction of Rural Living by the Wind ...
If I could choose to be the most knowledgeable person in the world or the most curious, I’d choose the ...
It has often been pointed out that corporate profits are double taxed when a corporation pays income tax on its ...
“Post-scarcity”, “Post-economic”, and “Post-capitalist” are meant to convey a fundamental shift in the principles of human action, wrought by technological ...
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