Bush and His Torturers by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano
Bush and His Torturers by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano Originally published Bush and His Torturers Last week, prosecutors and defense ...
Bush and His Torturers by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano Originally published Bush and His Torturers Last week, prosecutors and defense ...
On the eve of the exit of President Bush, it seems appropriate to review what will most likely be the ...
Since the beginning of the war in Iraq, I have unequivocally maintained several things about the deaths of U.S. troops. ...
For many years, Christians all across America have sincerely believed that the Federal Government and the military need to "promote ...
Editor’s Note: This is an older article but particularly relevant today as the U.S. military exits Afghanistan. Please pray for ...
Under Saddam Hussein, Christians in Iraq were not well-loved but they were tolerated. However, following the military adventurist campaigns of ...
I have been writing about the folly and wickedness of war – and especially Christian support for the same – ...
I have been asked often over the years when and how I came to be such an outspoken critic of ...
“Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service. My mental ...
Defenders of U.S. wars and military interventions look like the majority of Americans. They also dress like them, eat like ...
It seems sensible and logical that followers of someone called the Prince of Peace would not act like they are ...
It Was All a Lie… The recent revelation that the man most responsible for the myth that Iraq had weapons ...
This clip speaks for itself. Oh wait, I get it. He’s a Democrat stealing the thunder of Republican big-government programs. ...
Executive Director of the Libertarian Party Wes Benedict put together a retrospective of the executive administration this past year. Any ...
It’s back! This is the twelfth installment of the Christianity and War Audiobook Podcast, presented by LibertarianChristians.com. Many apologies for ...
This is the *tenth* installment of the Christianity and War Audiobook Podcast, presented by LibertarianChristians.com. TEN podcasts may seem like ...
This is the ninth installment of the Christianity and War Audiobook Podcast, presented by LibertarianChristians.com. Thanks for being patient over ...
I found this excerpt from the April 6 National Review issue to be rather ironic: Obama’s wartime detention policy takes ...
Congratulations are in order for President Barack Obama, who today has successfully completed the common rite of passage of Presidents: ...
After the inaugural address, how can any self-respecting conservative not think Obama is fantastic! He has all the same answers ...
Over at The Humble Libertarian, Sir Messamore has put together an excellent post-mortem of the last eight years of accomplishments ...
LibertarianChristians.com is pleased to welcome Scott Ritsema of CivicsNews.com to write our first-ever guest post. Scott is the editor of ...
In this exclusive ABC interview (transcript) Cheney does not outright say “I am a war criminal, please put cuffs on ...
So, I have had an very taxing weekend and was unable to put up a new article. Hopefully I’ll get ...
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