
Top 10 Disasters of the Obama Administration in 2009

Executive Director of the Libertarian Party Wes Benedict put together a retrospective of the executive administration this past year. Any similarities to the previous administration are distinctly NOT coincidental. And while the list is a Top 10, there is no particular order…

Top 10 disasters of the 2009 Obama administration:

  1. Cash for Clunkers
  2. War escalation in Afghanistan
  3. Giant government health care expansion bill
  4. Post office loses money hand over fist
  5. Stimulus package
  6. Expansion of “state secrets” doctrine
  7. Big increase in unemployment
  8. “Bailout” Geithner as Treasury Secretary
  9. Skyrocketing federal spending
  10. Huge federal deficits

Now wait a second, doesn’t this sound familiar? Hmm…

Top 10 disasters of the 2001-2008 Bush administration:

  1. Cash for Car Companies
  2. War in Iraq
  3. Giant Medicare expansion bill
  4. Post office loses money hand over fist
  5. Stimulus “rebate” checks
  6. PATRIOT Act
  7. Big increase in unemployment
  8. “Bailout” Paulson as Treasury Secretary
  9. Skyrocketing federal spending
  10. Huge federal deficits

Wes Benedict, Libertarian Party Executive Director, commented:

“Republicans and Democrats keep expanding government and creating more and more problems. We’re encouraging as many Libertarians as possible to run for Congress in 2010. In Texas, the state with the earliest filing deadline, Libertarians have already filed for 31 of 32 Congressional seats.”

Another article you might want to check out is by Mary Ruwart, one of my favorite libertarians — How Liberty Makes Health Care Virtually Universal.

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