The First Edition of the Christian Libertarian Blog Carnival
The Holy Cause presents the first Christian Libertarian Blog Carnival today. A “Blog Carnival” is essentially a brief “magazine”-style collection ...
The Holy Cause presents the first Christian Libertarian Blog Carnival today. A “Blog Carnival” is essentially a brief “magazine”-style collection ...
Being a libertarian can be a little lonely sometimes, because although our numbers are growing we aren't quite *that* big ...
Big news in Austin! Yesterday, the Texas Senate passed the bill that would allow concealed carry on university campuses in ...
In a libertarian society, the production of security services would not come from the State, but security most certainly would ...
If Hayek were alive today, we would be celebrating his 110th birthday today.
Yesterday was Pete Seeger’s 90th birthday. Happy birthday, our heroic anti-war American muse. Here are some other articles of libertarian ...
The score thus far: 100 days down, 1361 to go. Then we get another dictator. Greeeeeaaaat. :-/ I’d like to ...
The presentation that I gave at the Austrian Scholars Conference 2009 became available on today. The title, as you may ...
5 out of 5 Chewbacca's Agree: Ron Paul is the Man.
Some Sunday reading for you A Look at the Jury System and Our Participation in It — Graham Dugas observes ...
I found this excerpt from the April 6 National Review issue to be rather ironic: Obama’s wartime detention policy takes ...
No, this is not #11, it really is just an epilogue – or an afterthought… I hope you attended or ...
Ah taxation, how we despise thee. You make some richer, but most poorer. You daily remind us that we live ...
This is the tenth article in a series on taxation leading up to Tax Day, April 15. I think I’ve ...
I have already said and illustrated this numerous times in previous articles, but I will say it once again: Taxation ...
These pictures should need no explanation…
To say that the tax code is complicated would be the understatement of the century. It is, in fact, far ...
Many Christians believe that paying taxes is fulfilling the Biblical command to show compassion to the poor. We just need ...
This is the sixth article in a series on taxation leading up to Tax Day, April 15. If we were ...
I just found a stupendous editorial cartoon, written by Terrence Nowicki, Jr. at This Is Historic Times: Awesome work, Terrence, ...
LCC reader Skinner has an interesting post on his blog about Maundy Thursday (that’s today). Surf over to his page ...
Think about all the crazy things you know your tax money pays for...
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, ...
Politicians, especially Republicans, love to talk about "cutting taxes," and in some cases they actually do cut some taxes and ...
Governments manipulate language for their own purposes constantly. It allows them to circumvent truth in the public square (at least ...
Ever wondered how much time and money are lost through federal tax returns? It actually is rather astounding even by ...
Tom Woods and Laurence Vance are two excellent examples of Christian libertarians, so I am delighted to share a few ...
Libertarian Christians could learn something from our Jewish friends if we would pay attention. I had never heard of Rabbi ...
“Tax season always begins on April 16th, and ends 365 days later.” “There are only two certainties in this life: ...
It's more than just websites for libertarian Christians, but W.E. Messamore at The Humble Libertarian has put together an excellent ...
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