Yesterday was Pete Seeger’s 90th birthday. Happy birthday, our heroic anti-war American muse.
Here are some other articles of libertarian Christian interest that came up this weekend…
Bob Murphy writes about whether or not religion belongs in science or politics.
The inimitable Robert Higgs elaborates on what Jesus implied about property rights.
Laurence Vance wonders why Christians would ever support waterboarding.
Though not specifically Christian, this post about presidential speeches and word usage is VERY interesting and I highly recommend you at least take a look at the picture…
I’ve been extremely busy with my research and classes as this semester is drawing to a close, thus I haven’t been doing as much writing as I would like. I promise I have some great articles in the works and will share them soon. Plus, I have a podcast just waiting for some editing and I plan to post it this week. Stay tuned!