
News of the Week: Obama the Warrior

It has been a few weeks since I have done a “News” post like this, and for good reason. I’ve driven across the country, moved from a condo to a house, and walked in the PhD convocation at the University of Texas at Austin. Actually, that’s kind of big news in and of itself… Well, now you can officially call me “Dr. Horn”! (See the picture of me and my wife.) And now, the news…

I find it astonishing at times that conservatives criticize Obama for his supposedly non-Bush-like foreign policy directives. In truth, he has ramped up everything that Bush did and gone so much farther than even I would have thought possible – and I was sure he was going to be bad! The heroic Glenn Greenwald has written a splendid article about Obama the Warrior, who has made Bush look meek by comparison in many areas. You would think that after three wars, 1.2 million deportations, and numberless other broken promises, liberals would cease to love the Dear Leader.

Obama the Warrior (Credit: AP)It seems like every time I talk about how the government can’t do anything well and that we’d be better off without them, somebody has to object by saying “What about the ROADS???” Besides how silly this sounds on its face (why is socialism so good for roads but not for something even more important, like food?), we occasionally get glimpses of what happens when the government fails so badly that people take things into their own hands. These businesses in Hawaii built what was thought to be a $4 million road project for the community for FREE in just EIGHT DAYS. Huzzah for voluntary solutions!

Did you hear that Austrian economics Bob Wenzel of EconomicPolicyJournal.com delivered an address at the New York Federal Reserve Bank? Talk about speaking truth to power!

The courts now say that you do not deserve any privacy at an airport, but the TSA does.

In other interesting IP issues, Naked Capitalism has a fascinating article about software and coding and the legal issues that abound in the industry. If you are interested in high-tech stuff, this is worth spending a little time reading thoroughly.

On the lighter side, I’m super-excited that one of my favorite shows ever, Arrested Development, will be coming back for a fourth season exclusively on Netflix!

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