
Make Everything Voluntary

God created a remarkable world, a world where if you follow good ethics and work hard then the results are win-win for everyone. Whereas aggression always involves pillaging one person for the sake of another, voluntary interaction benefits all parties involved.

Skyler Collins has just released an edited volume of essays on “voluntaryism,” which is really just another way of saying that liberty ought to be the default in everything. The book is called Everything Voluntary, and it is available in full online for absolutely FREE. If you want a physical copy, you can get that too for $12 via Amazon’s CreateSpace.

I was blessed with the opportunity to preview the draft copy, and this is my endorsement of the book:

“Skyler Collins has assembled a great panoply of voluntaryist literature for the curious reader. From the basics of ethics to the details of parenting, these collected essays have the potential to change your entire perspective on life itself — for the better!”

I hope you’ll check it out and see if it challenges you in some small way, or educates you in the philosophy of liberty a little more.

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