Simple Arguments Against the Iraq War
On the eve of the exit of President Bush, it seems appropriate to review what will most likely be the ...
On the eve of the exit of President Bush, it seems appropriate to review what will most likely be the ...
The idea that America is the last, best hope of the world is the spirit that animates a great deal ...
With the savage violence being reported daily from the Middle East, and with news of the recent Christian martyrs in ...
For many years, Christians all across America have sincerely believed that the Federal Government and the military need to "promote ...
Editor’s Note: This is an older article but particularly relevant today as the U.S. military exits Afghanistan. Please pray for ...
People sometimes do the right thing, but for the wrong reason—including presidents and politicians. The Obama administration slashed hundreds of ...
That the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an “obomination” there is no question. During his presidency I wrote of ...
For those of you who did not watch President Obama’s State of the Union address, you can read a transcript ...
I am not a fan of Barack Obama. But since there are a lot of things that could be said ...
Anthony Gregory explains the significance of the Rand Paul Filibuster in two minutes: This is an exciting time for liberty, ...
He is not, according to former CIA analyst and current Christian axis of evil candidate Mark D. Tooley, as long ...
I am pleased to announce that is now a member of the Clear Skies Initiative, sponsored by The ...
I usually avoid making comments about tragic events, mostly because there are many astute authors who produce more profound thoughts ...
Recapping interesting and significant news stories and media from the past weeks… Chuck Baldwin asks some very pointed questions to ...
You think I’m kidding. Just hours after his re-election acceptance speech, it looks as though Obama ordered another drone strike ...
I had an interesting conversation with a hard-core “conservative” Christian a few days ago on Facebook, and I thought I ...
Recapping the interesting and significant events of the past week. This week, President Barack Obama told a crowd that if ...
Obamacare was upheld today. As a tax. Which is ironic, because of what the dear leader once said: “For us ...
It has been a few weeks since I have done a “News” post like this, and for good reason. I’ve ...
In 2007 Barack Obama promised us Hope and Change. Change hardly came and hope is long gone. Even his most ...
I have heard it said numerous times in the past month alone, by Christians nonetheless, that the important thing about ...
Murder Inc. was the nickname of organized crime groups in the 1930s that murdered for the Mafia. Although many of ...
Monday afternoon marked the release of Ron Paul’s “Restore America Now” economic plan and federal budget, and it is impressive. ...
The new term of the Supreme Court has just begun. All eyes are on the court, as it is expected ...
Defenders of U.S. wars and military interventions look like the majority of Americans. They also dress like them, eat like ...
President Obama says the public is “sold” on tax increases in the debt-ceiling deal. In fact, he even says that ...
It seems sensible and logical that followers of someone called the Prince of Peace would not act like they are ...
My friend Doug Stuart sent me Jim Wallis’s response to the renewed tax cuts: The quote that drove me nuts: ...
Ever wondered what Christianity looks like in practice? Look no further than… President Obama! I saw this today at a ...
This clip speaks for itself. Oh wait, I get it. He’s a Democrat stealing the thunder of Republican big-government programs. ...
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