Gary North’s Ethics of Taxation
This is the third in a series evaluating Gary North’s book, Christian Economics in One Lesson. North’s work is a ...
This is the third in a series evaluating Gary North’s book, Christian Economics in One Lesson. North’s work is a ...
“Without violence, nothing is ever accomplished in history.” – Karl Marx “But I tell you not to violently resist an ...
The following is an excerpt from Jason Hughey’s chapter in the new book, Called to Freedom. (edited for format) With ...
What happens to individuals after issues are won and lost in the political arena? For instance: when immigration bans are ...
Author and friend of LCI, David Gornoski, recently interviewed Ron Paul on the subject of Christian nonviolence. It’s always great ...
2016 will go down in the history books as a watershed year for world politics. Between the stunning Brexit vote ...
Our culture is engaged in a cinematic Mexican standoff, but the weapons we point at each other are real only ...
In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And the Word was God. Go to any ...
Theologian Preston Sprinkle wrote a short blog the other day about why he stopped saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Like ...
Recently I was at a gathering of libertarian activists. Most of them were around age 20 and had been involved ...
Ron Paul is the only major presidential candidate Christians could hire without sinning against Jesus in my lifetime. What I ...
In my previous post, I raised some questions and pointed out problems with an argument against those who say “taxation ...
Just pretend you are the owner of a business in the process of hiring a sales represenative. As you ...
“Older men start wars, but younger men fight them.” ~ Albert Einstein “Older men declare war. But it is the ...
Erick Erickson just doesn’t know which Jesus that Jerry Falwell, Jr. is worshiping. Over at Ted Cruz’s new campaign site, ...
When progressives emphasize social justice by using collectivist phrases like “common good” and “caring for our neighbor,” the typical reaction ...
My friends at the Institute for Humane Studies informed me that the IEA has a new book available entitled Catholic ...
David E. Settje, Faith and War: How Christians Debated the Cold and Vietnam Wars (NYU Press, 2011), xi + 233 ...
As I have maintained in all of my articles on the drug war, the war on drugs is a monstrous ...
The WikiLeaks revelations have shined a light on the dark nature of U.S. foreign policy, including, as Eric Margolis recently ...
Guest post by C. Jay Engel of the Reformed Libertarian. The anti-free market proclamations from the left (and even sometimes ...
This guest post is by David Theroux, Founder and President of the Independent Institute. This two-part series (see part 1) ...
“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound ...
“The most just of wars brings with it a train of evils—if indeed any war can really be called just.” ...
“Who could possibly tell how many hardships these idiots of soldiers put up with in their camps? And they deserve ...
LCC reader Andrew recently asked me, “Norman, in your opinion, how would child abuse like the recent incident where a ...
“I simply admit that I have written some rather distasteful things for the purpose of frightening Christians away from the ...
“Since we see that there is hardly ever any respite from wars, which normally arise from the ambition or anger ...
A Georgia teenager was sentenced to life in prison after being convicted of killing a 13-month-old baby in a stroller ...
This essay is by Reverend Edmund Opitz, author of The Libertarian Theology of Freedom and Religion and Capitalism: Allies, Not ...
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