
Does Religion Cause Violence? (Book Review)

There is no shortage of new books on the relationship between religion/theology and violence. Does Religion Cause Violence? is the second from last in an eight-volume series called “Violence, Desire, and the Sacred” published by Bloomsbury, and it contains proceedings from the 2016 “Violence in the Name of Religion” conference in Melbourne, ...

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The Scapegoating of Jordan Peterson

Ever since his interview with Cathy Newman went viral on YouTube, the scapegoating phenomenon that involves Dr. Jordan Peterson keeps getting bigger and bigger. Numerous hit-pieces have emerged from the mainstream media attacking the Canadian; some of them has called Peterson a ‘darling of the Alt-Right’ while others have labelled ...

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Transcending Identity Politics

We sometimes hear conversations which contain claims like, “Jews are so sneaky,” or “Christians are so intolerant,” or “Asians are so smart,” or “Blacks are so violent.” Imagine this type of thinking with a political platform and, thus, the power to affect our everyday lives. Elevating these absurd generalizations to ...

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Does Romans 13 Teach That Christians Have Permission to Kill For Their Government?

This guest post is by Tyler Boyd, and was originally published on The Christian Exile website. Tyler is from Olive Branch, Mississippi.  It is my conviction that since the fourth century AD, the frequent misinterpretation of Romans 13 has done more to harm the reputation of Christianity than perhaps any other ...

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The Creation Story, Part II: the Responsibility of Adam and Eve

In The Creation Story, Part I, we discussed the Hebrew term ha-adam. God creates ha-adam out of nothing (creatio ex nihilo), and thus man is created free. The creation of ha-adam is the first creation of man, and so it tells us about our nature and humanity. The second creation ...

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Why the Left Adores Donald Trump

The Left worships Trump because he is an irresistible obstacle to their devotion to the victim-garbed Total State. For generations, mainstream Western culture has taught us that the cognitive dissonance we feel when we intuit the suffering of our inflationary debt bondage, elective wars, crony health care planning, welfare mental ...

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The Slave and the Aristocrat

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote in his book, The Antichrist: “Christianity has taken the side of everything weak, base, ill-constituted, it has made an ideal out of opposition to the instinct of strong life… is a revolt of everything that crawls along the ground directed against that which is elevated.” There ...

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Starry Night House Unveils the Banality of Evil

In the coldness of space, a star explodes. It creates a dazzling shock wave of cloud debris with a magnetic alignment resembling spokes on a cosmic bicycle wheel of light. We here on Earth call it SuperNova 1987A. But the name does not do it justice. It is an unfolding ...

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Don’t Tread on Anyone

Critics of libertarianism often charge that it is a “selfish ideology,” or that any explanation of self-interest is just a warmed-over excuse for selfish behavior. While it is indeed possible that the libertarian impulse attracts the selfish, careless, wanna-be hermit, the worldview of most libertarians should not be reduced to ...

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Was Jesus a Socialist?

Was Jesus a socialist? Was he revolting against wealth and money itself? Or was he actually challenging people who use the violence of the state to prosper? I have my own working framework for how to apply Jesus’s role model in politics and economics. Nevertheless, I recently spoke with fellow-travelers ...

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