Great Power and Small Friendships
In the epic ‘Lord of the Rings,’ J.R.R. Tolkien gives us a vivid illustration of the rivalrous tendencies of human ...
In the epic ‘Lord of the Rings,’ J.R.R. Tolkien gives us a vivid illustration of the rivalrous tendencies of human ...
Towards the end of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, the protagonist, John (“the Savage”), is introduced to Mustapha Mond, the ...
The Libertarian Christian Institute is an ecumenical Christian organization which brings together Christians from a variety of theological backgrounds. Though ...
Ever since his interview with Cathy Newman went viral on YouTube, the scapegoating phenomenon that involves Dr. Jordan Peterson keeps ...
We sometimes hear conversations which contain claims like, “Jews are so sneaky,” or “Christians are so intolerant,” or “Asians are ...
In The Creation Story, Part I, we discussed the Hebrew term ha-adam. God creates ha-adam out of nothing (creatio ex ...
Friedrich Nietzsche wrote in his book, The Antichrist: “Christianity has taken the side of everything weak, base, ill-constituted, it has ...
In the coldness of space, a star explodes. It creates a dazzling shock wave of cloud debris with a magnetic ...
Critics of libertarianism often charge that it is a “selfish ideology,” or that any explanation of self-interest is just a ...
Was Jesus a socialist? Was he revolting against wealth and money itself? Or was he actually challenging people who use ...
We have placed too much hope in political and social reforms, only to find out that we were being deprived ...
The Libertarian Christian Institute outlines five core values, the third of which is that “Social Institutions Matter for Human Flourishing.” ...
This opinion piece was written by Judge Andrew Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey and ...
Because there are such common misconceptions about what libertarians believe, we are often pushed into defining ourselves by explaining what ...
This article originally appeared on in November, 2016. Although the Libertarian Party has virtually no chance of winning any ...
“It is very biblical to enforce the law.” – Sarah Sanders Romans 13 is in the news, and is being ...
Because they can vote for Tweedledum or Tweedledee, the red team or the blue team, or the welfare statist or ...
Following the recent high-profile suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, Reuters published an article arguing that the “rise in ...
After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Masterpiece in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, Russell Moore, ...
There is a great deal of confusion over monopolies; what they are and how they are caused. A cornerstone tenet ...
May 5 was the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx. Although Republicans have universally used the occasion to ...
A common criticism of capitalism is that it is inherently immoral. Capitalism is conflated into some type of economic Darwinism ...
This guest post is by Jeremy Mack, and was originally posted on The Evangelical Libertarian. I read an article this ...
One of the core values of a libertarian Christian in the LCI’s Mission, Vision, & Core Values is that “A free ...
Note: This article was written in the context of the latest allegations concerning domestic violence against women in the church. ...
By Albert Jay Nock. Originally published in Atlantic Monthly, October 1936. I often think it’s comical How Nature always does ...
Critics can say what they want to about the libertarian movement, but one thing it can never be accused of ...
Among Christian libertarians, as with other libertarians, there are differing views concerning the legitimacy, necessity, and inevitability of the state. For ...
Libertarians are regularly critical of governments and nation-states. This is because nation-states not only fail in their purposes, but because ...
Is testing all potential and current employees for drug use a dumb idea? I think so. But your moral—and in ...
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