Wes Messamore is a friend of mine and his work is excellent. He recently wrote a superb post on the United States’ relationship with Israel, with a particular bent toward convincing Christians who support massive wealth transfer into Israel to reconsider their position. In the post, he lists three provocative thoughts:
1. The Church, not Israel, is God’s Chosen People. Promises made to “Israel” in the Bible are for Christians, those who acknowledge Israel’s rightful King, descended from the House of David, Jesus Christ.
2. Even if Biblical promises made to Israel are not the exclusive birthright of Christians, but of the Israeli people, they should not be conflated with the modern, secular state called Israel.
3. It is not for temporal authorities to systematically carry out God’s promises. He’s capable of keeping them Himself, and Biblically, He often used corrupt and evil nations to carry out His plan.