
News of the Week: October 31 – November 6

Recapping interesting things in the news and on the net in the past week. Unfortunately, I missed posting this on Saturday because of the Students for Liberty Texas Conference 2010, a busy Sunday, and an on-site interview for a consultancy position on Monday. So here are some of the tidbits from LAST week.

Biggest news item: the Federal Reserve’s new quantitative easing strategy of nearly $900 billion of new money created out of thin air. Read about it here.

Did you know that modern art was a CIA weapon? Weird.

Reason.tv put together a great video clip of what they saw at the Jon Stewart / Stephen Colbert Rallies in Washington DC.

Travel-junkies: here are 8 awesomely-affordable destination ideas.

Best kid Halloween costume – Robocop!


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