Libertarian Christian Perspectives: Taxation
As sure a thing as death. Or could it be abolished?
Taxes are often seen as the way in which the common good is attained, the rich are kept accountable, and the poor are taken care of; however, is this the truth? It may be difficult for a Christian libertarian to interpret what the Bible has to say regarding taxation, but we are called to seek the truth.
10 Things I Hate About Taxes #9: Taxation is Theft
I have already said and illustrated this numerous times in previous articles, but I will say it once again: Taxation ...
10 Things I Hate About Taxes #8: Living in Fear
To say that the tax code is complicated would be the understatement of the century. It is, in fact, far ...
10 Things I Hate About Taxes #7: Caesar’s Benevolence
Many Christians believe that paying taxes is fulfilling the Biblical command to show compassion to the poor. We just need ...
10 Things I Hate About Taxes #6: Withholding Taxes
This is the sixth article in a series on taxation leading up to Tax Day, April 15. If we were ...
10 Things I Hate About Taxes #5: Your Tax Dollars at Work
Think about all the crazy things you know your tax money pays for...
10 Things I Hate About Taxes #4: Privacy and Personal Income
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, ...
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