Welcome back to Weekend Insights, your LCI “President’s Corner” of miscellaneous articles, events, books, vids, and whatever else I’m thinking about…
Lockdowns only reduced mortality by 0.2%.
We’re all Canadian Truckers now (Ron Paul).
Why inequality fell, and then rose. And another by Robin Hanson this week: Foreign Policy is Incoherent.
I’m loving the whole Joe Rogan saga.
Max Borders: Politics is dead, now what?
Classic: Anarchist’s Progress (Albert Jay Nock).
On the structured pursuit of depth.
Thing I’m watching: Todd Friel is horribly confused about libertarianism. I’m thinking this needs a response:
What I’m reading: A World Without Email by Cal Newport. (BTW, you can check out more of what I like in this regard at my GoodReads page. Getting more into Goodreads this year…)
Cheers, and have a great week!
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