Welcome back to Weekend Insights, your LCI “President’s Corner” of miscellaneous articles, events, books, vids, and whatever else I’m thinking about…
In the “never thought I’d see this happen” department, Antiwar.com editorial director Scott Horton debated none other than Bill Kristol at the Soho Forum. Wow.
The CDC made the pandemic much worse by mismanaging and misinforming the public.
Stop wanting an all-powerful president, read:monarch.
It’s probably time to learn what the heck is a metaverse.
Want to get on a creative hot streak? Science your way into it.
Learn how to learn better. You won’t regret it.
Bitcoin is back over 50k. Check out this article about BTC and game theory (if that kinda thing interests you).
The libertarian James Bond, this is pretty great:
Cheers, and have a great week!
As always, don’t forget to check out our book Faith Seeking Freedom! We’ve got special packs of books available in our online store for below $10 a copy. Great for giveaways and you’re supporting a great cause.