Weekend Insights – Economics vs. Epidemiology

Welcome back to Weekend Insights, your LCI “President’s Corner” of miscellaneous articles, events, books, vids, and whatever else I’m thinking about… 

Lot’s of interesting stuff for this week… like how wrong Paul Krugman really is about Bitcoin.

Economics vs. Epidemiology — neat stuff at Cato, and they have a new book out called Economics in One Virus.

Apparently, a new government report concludes that the Donald Trump “Bible Photo-Op” at St. John’s Church was not the reason police cleared Lafayette Park. To be clear, this doesn’t make the Donald “good” by any means, but it should remind us that mainstream media does hold a LOT of power to sway opinion and we should be wary.

CT this week: Christian doctors are grappling with transgender issues.

Learn a bit on how to think more clearly, and also how to avoid Availability Bias.

So if I understand correctly, oceans are distinguished by geography (obviously) and the patterns of their currents. And as such, apparently there is mounting consensus that the waters around Antarctica should properly be considered an ocean, and it is denoted the Southern Ocean (see National Geographic). Cool!

Is the Golden Ratio the most irrational number? Actually, yes. Kinda.

Neat “Invisible Roommates” experiment using augmented reality.

Here’s a fun video:

Cheers, and have a great week!

As always, don’t forget to check out our book Faith Seeking Freedom! We’ve got special packs of books available in our online store for below $10 a copy. Great for giveaways and you’re supporting a great cause.

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