
Is Libertarianism a Mental Illness?

Although I had not written anything about the government’s war on drugs since December (see here), earlier this month I received a brief note in my inbox with the subject line of: “Like libertinism (aka liberalism), libertarianism is bordering on mental illness.” The body of the e-mail simply said: “—regarding freedom to use drugs (( been writing about that insanity for three decades )).” The note closed with “JungianINTP,” which refers to the Carl Jung personality type of “Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving” (INTP).

So, basically, what my respondent was saying is that the freedom to use drugs is insane and libertarianism is bordering on mental illness for espousing such freedom. No essays, articles, or books written over the last three decades about the insanity of drug freedom were mentioned.

But is it libertarians who are insane for believing in drug freedom or is it drug warriors who have a mental illness?

The libertarian position on the drug war is straightforward. Here is the condensed version:

There should be no laws at any level of government for any reason regarding the buying, selling, growing, processing, transporting, manufacturing, advertising, using, or possessing of any drug for any reason.

The drug war should be ended immediately because it is not the proper role of government to prohibit, regulate, restrict, or otherwise control what a man desires to eat, drink, smoke, inject, absorb, snort, sniff, inhale, swallow, or otherwise ingest into his mouth, nose, veins, or lungs.

This, of course, does not mean that libertarians think that drug use is moral, safe, beneficial, or healthy, or that they recommend that anyone take drugs. And it also doesn’t mean that libertarians are naïve about the negative effects of drug abuse. Using drugs may cost you your money, your health, your mind, your job, your status, your reputation, your family, and/or your friends. Using drugs may even kill you. But with drug freedom comes responsibility. Drug users are ultimately responsible for their own actions.

So no, drug freedom is not insanity, and libertarians who believe in drug freedom are not bordering on mental illness.

Now consider the following—

Does it not border on mental illness to want the government to outlaw drugs but not alcohol?

Does it not border on mental illness to believe that drugs should be prohibited because they are immoral, but that other immoral activities like committing adultery and fornication should not be the concern of government?

Does it not border on mental illness to support a drug war with costs that greatly exceed any of its supposed benefits?

Does it not border on mental illness to support the monstrous evil that is the drug war that has ruined more lives than drugs themselves?

Does it not border on mental illness to believe that drugs should be prohibited because they are self-destructive, but that self-destructive activities like having casual sex and habitually overeating are none of the government’s business?

Does it not border on mental illness to support a drug war that is a complete and utter failure?

Does it not border on mental illness to support the federal drug war when there is no constitutional authority for it?

Does it not border on mental illness to believe that drugs should be prohibited because they are dangerous, but that dangerous activities like skydiving, MMA fighting, bungee jumping, and working as a roofer or logger should be permitted?

Does it not border on mental illness to say that marijuana should be illegal but that tobacco—which kills tens of thousands every year directly and indirectly—should be legal?

Does it not border on mental illness to not want the government to interfere with Americans’ consumption habits except when it comes to the consumption of drugs?

Does it not border on mental illness to want the government to ban marijuana—even though the government acknowledges that marijuana use has never killed anyone—but not to ban aspirin and other NSAID drugs, which have killed thousands?

Does it not border on mental illness to believe that drugs should be prohibited because they are addictive, but that addictive activities like playing video games and viewing pornography should not be the concern of government?

Does it not border on mental illness to support something that is impossible to reconcile it with a limited government?

Does it not border on mental illness to support something that is the cornerstone of a police state?

Does it not border on mental illness to believe that drugs should be prohibited because they are unhealthy, but that eating junk food and drinking beverages laden with high-fructose corn syrup is none of the government’s business?

Does it not border on mental illness to support the government waging war on a plant?

I think it is drug warriors who are out of their mind.

I think that drug prohibition is insanity, and drug warriors who believe in drug prohibition are bordering on mental illness.

This article was originally posted at LewRockwell.com.

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