
Meet the CFL Speakers: Rep. David Simpson

Introducing Christians for Liberty Conference keynote speaker Rep. David Simpson of the Texas Legislature. David is a personal friend of mine and I respect him deeply. He has been elected twice to the Texas legislature, but he hardly qualifies as a politician in my estimation. In fact, I like to call him “the Ron Paul of the Texas Legislature.” For those who don’t know, David was the man who led the charge against the TSA in Texas in 2010 and 2012, and I consider it an honor to have worked with him on those projects. Here is a short bio for David.

Republican State Representative for East Texas
David Simpson was grateful to be elected State Representative of House District 7 in 2010, defeating a seven-term incumbent, by running on a platform of defending the Constitution, preserving our East Texas family values, and restoring government to its proper, limited role. He was re-elected in 2012 by a large margin and is now the Republican nominee in 2014. District 7 is comprised of Gregg and Upshur Counties. Rep. Simpson serves on the County Affairs Committee and the Land and Resource Management Committee.

In just his first session, Simpson earned the “Taxpayer Champion” award from Texans for Fiscal Responsibility and the “Freshman of the Year” award from Young Conservatives of Texas; he was also named “Co-MVP of the Freshman Class” by Capitol Inside for his effectiveness as a legislator.

Deep Roots in Texas
David is a seventh generation Texan. He was born in Lubbock and grew up in Dallas, spending summers and weekends in East Texas at the family’s home place in Avinger, where his family settled in the mid 1800s. David and his family have lived in Longview since 2000.

David and Susan Simpson have been married for 28 years. They live in Longview and have been blessed with seven children, ranging in age from nine to twenty-six, and two grandsons. The youngest three are still at home. David and his family enjoy hiking, target shooting, and horseback riding together.

Faith and Church
David and his family are active members of Grace Baptist Church in Mount Pleasant, where he has occassionally led the prayer meeting and taught.

Public Service
David served several terms as Mayor of the City of Avinger, Texas, from 1993 to 1998. During this time he led several revitalization projects to renew and restore downtown Avinger. He also led the city council to establish a municipal court and law enforcement department. President George W. Bush, when he was Governor of Texas, commissioned Mr. Simpson to serve as a member of the Ark-Tex Regional Review Committee in 1996. Mr. Simpson resigned as Mayor in August 1998 when he moved to Hutchinson, Kansas, due to his employment with Republic Group.

Mr. Simpson is a 1979 graduate of Highland Park High School, a 1983 graduate of Vanderbilt University, receiving a B.A. in philosophy, and a 1988 graduate of Trinity Ministerial Academy of Montville, New Jersey.

Business Experience
Mr. Simpson is President and Chief Executive Officer of Avinger Timber LLC, which owns and manages timberlands in several counties in northeast Texas. He also manages other small businesses, including Simpson Publishing Company, which he founded. Previously he was employed by Republic Group Inc. (formerly NYSE: RGC) as Manager of Mill Operations (1998 – 2000) and Executive Vice President-Paperboard (2000). He was a director of the company from 1994 to 1998 and again in 2000 until it was sold.

Check out David’s website, read his statement of faith, and sign up for the Christians for Liberty Conference today!

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