tsa airport

Keep TSA Scanners Out of Austin

Here’s a special message from www.tsatyranny.com. Even if you don’t live in Texas, you can have an effect – you can tell the City Council that you are more likely to travel to or through Austin if they can be assured that their rights will not be violated by the TSA. Or, take the example of Texas an run with this in your own state.

‘Keep Austin Free’ of TSA Scanners and Groping Pat-Downs

Austin, Texas has an historic opportunity to keep TSA tyranny out of the city’s airport—and it’s time to lend your voice in support of this critical effort!

Unlike many major US cities, Austin has yet to have the Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) full-body scanners installed in their commercial airport, and if Texas’ capital city were to forbid the TSA from installing these invasive machines at the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (ABIA), it could spark a national movement for liberty.

The good news is this: On December 14, the Austin Airport Advisory Commission (AAAC)—the official body tasked with giving Austin City Council input on airport policy—passed a unanimous resolution calling upon the Council to “oppose the installation of AIT’s at ABIA and further oppose the practice of invasive body searching.”

What’s more, a broad coalition of diverse groups has risen up in support of the AAAC’s resolution to check TSA tyranny in Austin, including the Travis County Republican Party, the ACLU of Texas, the Travis County Libertarian Party, Texans for Accountable Government (TAG), the Central Texas Republican Liberty Caucus, and We Are Change Austin.

Momentum is building to see Austin become a safe-haven for liberty—and we encourage you to join our effort and take action.

Contact Austin City Council

The Austin City Council needs to hear your voice!

All those who use Austin-Bergstrom International Airport as their primary airport or would be inclined to make ABIA their airport of choice when coming to and from Texas —if Austin’s airport becomes a tyranny-free zone—should contact the Austin City Council and let them know you stand behind their Advisory Commission’s call to keep ABIA free of the full-body scanners and groping pat-downs.

We have prepared a one-page Sample Letter that you can personalize and send to Austin’s Mayor and City Council with the click of a single button.

Don’t delay—send your letter this week as part of our coordinated campaign.

Click here and take action!

Join the Effort, Spread the Word

Please forward this note to all your friends who love liberty and who desire to travel freely to and from Texas without having their rights violated by the TSA.

Spread the word about this historic opportunity to “Keep Austin Free”!

Keep Austin Free.org will be sending out e-mail updates related to the Austin TSA battle, call-to action alerts, and more. Click here to sign up, and be on call to oppose TSA tyranny in Austin.

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