
The LCC Focus for 2010

I have been doing a lot of reflection on where I want to take in 2010. The landscape of political dialogue is shifting. In little more than a year, it has become more fashionable than ever to talk about freedom. Even the word “libertarian” is becoming more commonly heard in casual conversation and in the media. Indeed, people are searching for something akin to freedom, often enough without knowledge of exactly what they mean when they talk about freedom.

With this in mind, I propose that we remind ourselves of our goals as Christians who promote liberty for all:

  1. Our goal is to learn and to understand the meaning of liberty at a deep level.
  2. Our goal is to become effective communicators of liberty and ambassadors for Christ.
  3. Our goal is to be people of integrity, treating others the way we want to be treated in every arena in life.

I hope that in 2010, you can become better informed than ever about the philosophy of libertarianism, and how it can be informed by and works in harmony with Christian faith. Commit yourself to think, to learn, and to act accordingly. 2010 can be a year of real change, if only we endeavor to change ourselves first.

To that end, my steadfast desire is for LCC to be a beacon where men and women of the Christian faith can come and learn about liberty. 2010, which to me is year-two of LCC’s history, is the next step to building a free society.

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