Welcome back to Weekend Insights, your LCI “President’s Corner” of miscellaneous articles, events, books, vids, and whatever else I’m thinking about…
If you’ve been around LCI for a while, you know I have virtually zero love for the TSA and their security theater. The Verge has a long article on the crazy and humiliating history of the TSA, though it misses a few, in my own opinion, important details.
Wait for it… wait for it… Ah there it is: “It’s Capitalism’s Fault!!!”
Biden: The latest Sheriff of Nottingham? (That’s an alt-title, but the spirit is there.)
Why Tyrants Still Study Mikhail Gorbachev. (He died this past week, Aug. 30.)
The American Historical Association is falling to woke-ism.
What caused Japan’s post-WW2 miracle?
Why falling military recruitment is a sign of the future.
What I’m reading: After the attempted murder of novelist Salman Rushdie, I’m re-inspired to go read his stuff, so I’m picking up The Satanic Verses once and for all. Check out what else I’ve read/am reading on my Goodreads page.
As always, don’t forget to check out our book Faith Seeking Freedom! We’ve got special packs of books available in our online store for below $10 a copy. Great for giveaways and you’re supporting a great cause.