Welcome back to Weekend Insights, your LCI “President’s Corner” of miscellaneous articles, events, books, vids, and whatever else I’m thinking about…
Remy killing it yet again on the insanity of San Fransicko.
I’m going to be interviewing KrisAnn Hall from the Liberty First Society in the coming week. Check out their documentary Noncompliant, which is free to watch. If you have any interesting questions you think I should ask, let me know!
Why are vaccinated Americans still worrying about COVID? It doesn’t make much sense.
Biden’s “Year One” was pretty terrible. But what do you expect, he’s a president…
The problem with public goods and economic power.
Weird thing I’m learning about, because I’m strange and know way to much about LED tech: Li-Fi. (Lol, I know, I’m nuts.)
What I’m reading: The Two Riders by our friend Armond Boudreaux, who was on the Libertarian Christian Podcast in 2018! (Doesn’t seem like all that long ago, wow.)
Cheers, and have a great week!
As always, don’t forget to check out our book Faith Seeking Freedom! We’ve got special packs of books available in our online store for below $10 a copy. Great for giveaways and you’re supporting a great cause.