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Celebrate the 200th Episode of the Libertarian Christian Podcast!

Can you believe it? The Libertarian Christian Podcast has reached the incredible mark of 200 episodes! We are so thankful for your support of this endeavor, and to celebrate we invite you to join us for a once-in-a-lifetime Facebook Live stream on Friday night (December 11) at 8 pm CST. We’re calling it the 200th Episode Post-Thanksgiving Pre-Christmas Mid-Hanukah-Thon Race for the COVID Cure!

Okay, yeah, it’s a silly title, but you won’t want to miss Norman, Doug, the Good News Bad News crew, and more LCI people for a fun hour of memories, Quiplash, silliness, and DAD JOKES. It’s a hybrid-Thanksgiving-Christmas-End-of-2020 Party miracle!

Here’s the link to the Facebook Live event: https://www.facebook.com/events/323751601937830 — Please let us know you intend to be there by “registering” for the FB event. Facebook will also send you a notification when we start as a reminder (always helpful).

If you’ve never played Quiplash before, it’s an online party game involving audience participation from Jackbox games. You can play it with us by going to Jackbox.tv — have this page open in a separate tab in your browser, or use your cell phone. If that’s confusing right now, don’t panic, we’ll explain it all during the event as well. Trust me, it’ll be fine. ;-)

See you Friday night for all the wackiness we can muster!

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LCI posts articles representing a broad range of views from authors who identify as both Christian and libertarian. Of course, not everyone will agree with every article, and not every article represents an official position from LCI. Please direct any inquiries regarding the specifics of the article to the author.

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