I am pleased to announce that on the night before the Christians for Liberty Conference (August 1, Friday), we will be hosting a panel discussion and ice cream social for all conference attendees – and anyone else who wants to attend! The theme will be “Ask An Austin Activist Anything”, or AAAAA. Yes, really. Join me, CFL speaker Jason Rink, and Patrick Dixon and Lauren Daugherty of the Libertarian Party of Texas for some Q&A about how we view libertarianism and Christian faith, and how we engage our communities. After the panel, we of course encourage everyone to stick around for some great fellowship. Here are the details:
Date/Time: Friday, August 1st, 7 p.m.
Place: University Avenue Church of Christ Campus Center (first floor), 1903 University Avenue, Austin, TX
Directions and Parking: UA Church of Christ is located next to the UT-Austin campus at the corner of University Avenue and Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. At that intersection, you can head north on University and see the parking lot to the right as you pass by. Take a right on 20th street and then another right to loop around and enter that parking lot. You can also find street parking and nearby paid lots if the church lot is full. Do not park in the sorority parking lot at 20th and University, you will be towed! The campus center is the building on the north side of the church lot (you can’t miss it). See the following map for additional details.
This event is open to all attendees, but if you can’t make it because you are traveling then don’t fret! Enjoy your trip and be ready for a great conference on Saturday.