
News of the Week (coup edition)

Norman’s away this week in Las Vegas as a Libertarian Party delegate at their national convention, and is leaving it up to me to do News of the Week. Incidentally, Norman has been working with Lee Wrights’s campaign for the LP presidential nomination for some time.

Biggest item? Well, Norman is gone, so that means I’m in charge (at least until he approves my article for  submission).

Most absurd item of the week: Playmobil now has a TSA Checkpoint set for kids. (Short video here.) Now your kids can pretend to be molesters TSA agents, and/or parents can use this as a tool to encourage obedience to the State.

Ron Paul fans will be happy to know (if they don’t already) that Ron Paul has accumulated a considerable number of delegates for the GOP Tampa convention. Is his “Moneyball” strategy working? Rachel Maddow (ironically) seems to be the only cable news host covering this with any level of honesty. Fox”News” seems to concede at times, but largely ignores Paul’s progress. Could this be 1920 GOP convention all over again?

My newest article is the most important article you’ll ever read (this week). Click here for it.

Libertarian Christians (and Norman) getting some positive attention on Infowars, compliments Laurence Vance. (HT2 Libertarians (New) Facebook Group member Nick).

Anthony Gregory on why Iran isn’t really the threat the state propagandists wants us to believe it is. Related to Iran, share the image below with your neocon friends:

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