
Live Blogging the Austrian Scholars Conference 2009

Greetings, my libertarian Christian friends and others from all over the libertarian blogosphere!

image Starting Wednesday, I will be live blogging the Austrian Scholars Conference 2009 at the Ludwig von Mises Institute. If you’re a regular reader, you know how much emphasis I put on economics – especially that of the Austrian School. My first peer-reviewed publication in press is an economics article, and that paper was what I presented at the ASC in 2008. This year, I will be presenting a paper entitled “Science and the Free Market: How Government Distorts Scientific Research Through Public Funding,” and you can read my abstract here. My talk will be on Saturday, and you should be able to see it via the LVMI’s live video stream. Check out the entire schedule and I am sure you will find some other talks that interest you as well.

Let me explain how this live blogging will work… I will update the blog with posts throughout the day, all tagged “ASC 2009“, with what is going on at the ASC. I’ll write about the sessions I attend, the people I talk to, and the interesting things that happen. At the end of the day, I’ll post a short summary and post some pictures. If I get lucky enough to have some high-speed internet access, I’ll even try to post videos from my new Flip Video camcorder.

image I will also be making even more frequent updates on Twitter, so if you’re into tweeting then follow me and listen in. For the uninitiated, Twitter is a service similar to status updates on Facebook but more interesting. You have exactly 140 characters (no more!) to write whatever you want, including links. Thus, it’s often called a “micro-blogging” service. I find it to be a very fun way of sharing information with people without all the excess of Facebook.

My friend Daniel (from Libertarian Longhorns) and I will begin our journey tomorrow from Austin. It’s a lot less expensive to drive than to fly, so if you think about us please pray that we have a safe trip.

So if you haven’t already done so, subscribe via RSS or Twitter and keep up-to-date with this awesome event! I hope you enjoy the reporting; I hope you will comment on the posts and let me know what you are thinking… Next week, things will calm down a bit in my life and I will resume more regular posting of articles about liberty and faith.

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