Equal But Not the Same
By Edmund Opitz. —- The real American revolution of two hundred years ago took place in the minds of people; …
By Edmund Opitz. —- The real American revolution of two hundred years ago took place in the minds of people; …
Someone else having a billion dollars does no harm to you. It very likely makes their life harder – not …
Some say we are living in a new Gilded Age. The first Gilded Age, you may recall from your old …
Whenever statistics about inequality and the so-called “control of wealth” get published, the Progressive blogosphere goes wild and their social …
Capitalism has an ironic side effect after generations of progress: we forget about the minutia of production and the importance …
My latest post over at the Common Sense Concept: The poor in the US are doing very well compared to …
Progressives are often advocating social policies that spread the wealth around. They defend this by explaining that shared wealth is …
By Edmund Opitz, author of The Libertarian Theology of Freedom and Religion and Capitalism: Allies, Not Enemies. —- The eighteenth …
Capitalism is the only moral social system. Only a capitalist system allows you to act in your own interest, to keep what you have worked for and trade it with other willing individuals. For much of human history, wealth has been produced primarily by looting or enslaving others. Under capitalism wealth is created by serving others, by creating values for them.
Business and the businessman have had a bad press, almost uniformly. Do you remember the television show whose hero was a businessman? The show that portrayed this businessman as a person of integrity and vision, who labored long hours to produce a product that supplied a genuine need, which he marketed at prices people could afford? Who treated his employees with generosity and consideration, and his customers with unfailing courtesy? Who was a devoted family man, active in civic affairs, and a churchman?
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