Who is the True Israel? Correcting the Dispensationalist Reading of Romans 9-11

Summary – Who is the True Israel? Correcting the Dispensationalist Reading of Romans 9-11


Dispensationalist theology pushes many incorrect and dangerous readings of Scripture, which has many far-reaching and perilous consequences. Today, we take on the dispensationalist reading of Romans 9-11.

  1. Overview of Dispensationalist Theology:

    • Explanation of dual covenant theology and its implications for understanding the role of Jews and Gentiles.
    • Discussion of previous episodes covering covenant theology and its contrast with dispensationalism.
  2. Analyzing Key Biblical Passages:

    • Examination of Matthew 15 and the Canaanite woman’s encounter with Jesus, exploring the implications for dispensationalist views.
    • Detailed analysis of Romans 9-11, with emphasis on the definition of Israel and the relationship between Jews and Gentiles.
    • Exploration of the concepts of ethnic Israel versus spiritual Israel, and the significance of this distinction in understanding biblical covenants.
  3. Challenges to Dispensationalist Interpretations:

    • Arguments against the notion of different gospels for Jews and Gentiles.
    • Discussion on the proper way to ‘divide’ scripture and the pitfalls of dispensationalist approaches.
    • Insight into Paul’s teachings in Romans, emphasizing the unity of Jews and Gentiles under God’s plan of salvation


Main Points of Discussion

– Dispensationalist beliefs about Israel’s salvation from partial hardening.

– Study of premillennialism and eschatology in Christianity.

– Not all descendants belong to Israel, offspring.

– Paul discusses remnant of Israel, salvation plan.

– Faith over law, salvation for all believers.

– God has not rejected his people, or broken His word


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