Ep 275: How to Understand Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a hot topic in America, how should Christian libertarians view it? In some ways the narrative of CRT has some validity to it, and may be enlightening for what is going on in society; however, portions of CRT directly challenge people’s rights and individual liberty. What are some takeaways, and what should we take with a grain of salt?
This episode we desired to show some of the filters or lenses we have used to better understand Critical Race Theory – both as a theory and the basis of a massive social movement. How is the theory different from the movement? Recently, many people have begun to lump “woke” culture with CRT, thus the two terms have almost become interchangeable. The media and reactionary politics have largely fed into the blur, and many people believe both woke culture and CRT are actually hurting Black Americans more than it is aiding them. It has even begun to change the landscape of the American Church. Critical Race Theory aspires to destruct liberalism and freedom in order to attain a more “equal” society – yet it actually is based on racist thinking. It seemingly forces people into a state of mind that only views people based upon the color of their skin.
The best way we can confront CRT or woke culture is to consume the literature that is accepted by the people you are disagreeing with. If we disagree with the tenets or goals of CRT we must be informed on what they believe, why they believe it, and from there you are better suited to approach the faults of their ideology. This also means knowing the language of that movement, and how they may be manipulating the narrative or information to portray their desired image of what is going on.

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