Does Sin Make Civil Government Necessary

Ep 5: Does Sin Make Civil Government Necessary?

Does Sin Make Civil Government Necessary?

A discussion of the main points of Kerry Baldwin’s article on human sinfulness and the question of the state’s necessity for civil governance. The fact that people are sinners and there will always be crime is shown to be not a reason that states are necessary, but rather a reason for stateless (non-monopolistic) civil governance.

Main Points of Discussion

00:00 Introduction
00:32 Episode Description
Sinful Nature and the Question of the State’s Necessity
01:06 Overview of 4-part series
Listen to episode 03 on first article concerning law and order and the question of the legitimacy of civil governance
01:27  article preface and summary
03:02 Federalist Paper 51
04:40 Who will watch the watchmen?
05:02 original sin and total depravity
Westminster Confession chapter 6
audio on original sin
video on total depravity
06:17 introductory book about the Reformed view of the Bible’s teaching about salvation
Putting Amazing Back into Grace: Embracing the Heart of the Gospel
06:34 Robert Higgs’ article on non-necessity of the state “If Men Were Angels”
excerpt from article
video presentation “The State Is Too Dangerous To Tolerate”
09:02 US govt says police have no duty to protect you
09:35 In principle, if we are at risk and need protection because people are sinners, then granting monopoly power to any group of sinners is the absolute worst thing we could do
10:33 R.J. Rummel on 20th century democide (murder by the state)
12:48 some seem willfully naive about what states really are.
Anatomy Of The State by Murry Rothbard audiobook
13:50 Conclusion:
Stateless civil governance takes the principles of limited government to their most consistent and prudential conclusion
The idea of limiting the monopoly state is unrealistic

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