Will All of Ethnic Israel Be Saved? Romans 11 Against Dispensationalism (Romans 9-11 pt. 2)

Will All of Ethnic Israel Be Saved? Romans 11 Against Dispensationalism (Romans 9-11 pt. 2)

In this episode we continue our exploration of Dispensationalism and Romans 9-11, focusing on Romans 11 and the line from Paul, “…in this way all Israel will be saved.” Does this mean what dispensationalists claim it does? We will further explore the true meaning of Israel in the Bible and how the promises of the Abrahamic covenant have been fulfilled through Christ.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. Romans 9 and 10 Review: Revisiting the previous episode’s analysis of references to Israel and Jews, challenging the Dispensationalist view.
  2. Romans 11 Analysis: Examining God’s intention for ethnic Israelites and the debate over their place in God’s plan.
  3. Jesus as the True Israel: Discussing how Jesus fulfills the promises given to Abraham, transcending ethnicity and encompassing all believers.
  4. Dispensationalism Critique: Analyzing the flaws in the Dispensationalist approach to interpreting Romans 11 and its implications for modern Christian support of the state of Israel.
  5. The Olive Tree Analogy: Exploring Paul’s use of this analogy to illustrate the inclusion of Gentiles and the concept of the ‘true Israel.’
  6. Ethnic Israel and Salvation: Addressing misconceptions about the salvation of all ethnic Jews and the meaning of ‘all Israel’ in Romans 11.
  7. Abrahamic Covenant: Discussing the nature and fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham and their relevance to modern believers.
  8. The Kingdom of Heaven vs. Earthly Kingdoms: Emphasizing the spiritual nature of Christ’s kingdom in contrast to earthly theocracies.
  9. Concluding Thoughts: Summarizing the episode’s insights and encouraging listeners to focus on the broader, inclusive message of the gospel.

Time-stamped Outline 

00:00 The historic church maintains a singular covenant of grace rooted in Jesus Christ fulfilling the promises to Israel. The interpretation of “all Israel will be saved” in Romans 11 is a subject of debate, raising questions about the broader meaning of “all.” This exploration sets the stage for a deeper examination of how God’s promises to Israel find their fulfillment in Jesus Christ, as opposed to the perspective of dispensationalism.

04:41 Christians should exercise caution in supporting Israel. Emphasizing peace is essential.

08:59 In his letter to the Galatians, Paul unequivocally asserts the singular and exclusive nature of the saving gospel. He delivers a solemn warning to the church, drawing parallels with the reconciliation of the world and the symbolism of holiness in first fruits and the root and branches. This cautionary message is intended for the entire Christian church, emphasizing that God’s election of Israel does not guarantee the salvation of each individual Jew.

13:53 Discussion of Israel and the church in Christian theology, including the principles of dispensationalism and its emphasis on literal interpretation and the distinction between Israel and the church.

16:21 The passages in Romans 9:6-7 and 2:28-29 present a redefinition of the concept of true Israel and true Jews, emphasizing the significance of internal character over external features. This reevaluation challenges the assumption that all references to Israel exclusively relate to ethnic Israel, and also implies that Jesus embodies the true essence of Israel.

21:57 The text underscores the unity of Jews and Gentiles in Christ as the true Israel of God and their inheritance of the promises made to God’s old covenant people. It calls attention to the kingdom of Israel as a precursor to the true kingdom of heaven. The interpretation of “all Israel will be saved” is a subject of ongoing debate, with varying views on whether Israel is synonymous with the church or aligning with dispensationalist perspectives. The complexity of this verse remains a source of contention and unresolved conclusions.

24:07 The word “all” does not universally denote every single person or thing. Its usage is often contextual and can represent a large number or a general period of time rather than a comprehensive inclusion. This nuanced interpretation is evident in biblical texts, such as 1 Samuel 25:1, where it states that “all Israel assembled” to mourn for Samuel. However, this does not necessarily imply the involvement of every single individual in Israel, but rather signifies a substantial number. Similar usage can be found in 2 Chronicles chapter 12.

29:12 The text delves into the concept of salvation for the elect Jews, emphasizing the distinction between ethnic Jews and the remnant justified by faith. It highlights the remnant as the true inheritors of the covenant of Abraham. The interpretation of the “all” in verse 32 suggests it refers to the elect or the church, representing Christ and his bride as the true Israel. This analysis proposes a dual meaning, indicating that both many Jews and the true Israel, meaning the church, will experience salvation.

31:17 Paul’s message underscores the shift from physical land promises to a focus on spiritual inheritance. He emphasizes that God’s people are no longer tied to a theocratic nation or ethnic identity, but are instead part of God’s elect. This highlights the enduring significance of inheriting the kingdom of heaven as a royal priesthood, emphasizing the eternal nature of spiritual inheritance over temporary land promises. This transition reflects a transformation from the ancient kingdom of Israel to the true kingdom of heaven under Christ, affirming the everlasting nature of Abraham’s covenant.

36:17 Summary of the past two episodes. There is a stress about the importance of critical examination and debunking of harmful beliefs that do harm to our witness and to the Gospel message. 

37:26 The promise of the land has been fulfilled; no claim remains. Christians and saved Jews aren’t looking backwards to land or an earthly kingdom, but instead the kingdom of God that lives in us and that we are co-inheritors with Christ. Future episodes will dive into different prophecies regarding the land and nation of Israel, and the eschatology of dispensationalism vs amillennialism

Additional Resources

Part 1 on Romans 9-11: https://libertarianchristians.com/episode/who-is-the-true-israel-correcting-the-dispensationalist-reading-of-romans-9-11/

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