In this episode of the Libertarian Christian Podcast, Norman, Doug and Nick venture into the metaphorical woods with a discussion of things we’ve been thinking about lately relevant to faith and freedom. We start off with artificial intelligence and robotics, jump over to Russiaphobia and the New McCarthyism, round the corner with Rene Girard and Hank Hanegraaff, and close out with some practical application on prioritizing issues.
Several segments didn’t make it into the final cut, including three white men talking about racial tensions in modern America (it wasn’t any good; trust us). As for what did make the cut, here’s your obligatory college campus trigger warning: “If you’re a Marxist, neocon, socialist, crony capitalist, Democrat, Republican, independent, libertarian, male, female, or human being, you may find something here marginally offensive or disagreeable. The listener accepts all responsibility for any faux outrage that may result from their choice to listen. You may wish to consult a psychological professional for additional information if needed.”