How Socratic Thinking Can Aid Christians in Faith and Politics, w/ Kerry Baldwin
Summary: In this episode of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast, host Jacob Winograd engages in a thought-provoking discussion with Kerry Baldwin, a fellow host at the Christians for Liberty Network and a prominent figure in the Libertarian Christian Institute. They delve into recent events and changes in Kerry’s work life, including a grassroots liberty organization’s controversial endorsement of a candidate who Kerry argues is antithetical to libertarianism, as well as Christian values. The episode also features an in-depth exploration of the Socratic Method and its application in various aspects of life, including theology, parenting, and critical thinking.
Timestamped Overview:
- [00:00:01] Introduction: The role of Christians in the kingdom of this world and the Biblical perspective on human authority.
- [00:00:32] Welcome and an overview of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast’s mission.
- [00:01:40] Introduction to Kerry Baldwin, her work, and contributions to the Libertarian Christian Institute.
- [00:02:34] Discussion on recent personal and professional changes in Kerry Baldwin’s life.
- [00:03:38] Preview of future episode topics with Kerry, including societal issues like pornography and government involvement.
- [00:05:22] In-depth discussion on the endorsement of a controversial presidential candidate by a libertarian group and its implications.
- [00:07:29] Kerry Baldwin’s perspective on her involvement with a grassroots libertarian organization and its unexpected presidential endorsement.
- [00:17:42] Exploration of Christian ethics in foreign policy and critique of warmongering attitudes.
- [00:21:07] Discussion on the misalignment of certain political candidates with libertarian and Christian values.
- [00:27:10] Reflection on the challenges of integrating Christian values in political engagement.
- [00:34:23] Introduction to the Socratic Method and its application in learning and critical thinking.
- [00:43:43] The importance of the Socratic Method in different life domains, including parenting and professional development.
- [00:50:34] Addressing common objections to the use of philosophy and human reason in the Christian faith.
- [00:57:09] Closing remarks and information on supporting the podcast.
Additional Resources:
- Kerry Baldwin’s website and podcast:
- Liberty Seminar Courses:
- Liberty Seminar Promo:
- Kerry’s Previous BAP Appearance:
- Reformed Libertarians Podcast: