How Socratic Thinking Can Aid Christians in Faith and Politics, w/ Kerry Baldwin

How Socratic Thinking Can Aid Christians in Faith and Politics, w/ Kerry Baldwin

Summary: In this episode of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast, host Jacob Winograd engages in a thought-provoking discussion with Kerry Baldwin, a fellow host at the Christians for Liberty Network and a prominent figure in the Libertarian Christian Institute. They delve into recent events and changes in Kerry’s work life, including a grassroots liberty organization’s controversial endorsement of a candidate who Kerry argues is antithetical to libertarianism, as well as Christian values. The episode also features an in-depth exploration of the Socratic Method and its application in various aspects of life, including theology, parenting, and critical thinking.

Timestamped Overview:

  • [00:00:01] Introduction: The role of Christians in the kingdom of this world and the Biblical perspective on human authority.
  • [00:00:32] Welcome and an overview of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast’s mission.
  • [00:01:40] Introduction to Kerry Baldwin, her work, and contributions to the Libertarian Christian Institute.
  • [00:02:34] Discussion on recent personal and professional changes in Kerry Baldwin’s life.
  • [00:03:38] Preview of future episode topics with Kerry, including societal issues like pornography and government involvement.
  • [00:05:22] In-depth discussion on the endorsement of a controversial presidential candidate by a libertarian group and its implications.
  • [00:07:29] Kerry Baldwin’s perspective on her involvement with a grassroots libertarian organization and its unexpected presidential endorsement.
  • [00:17:42] Exploration of Christian ethics in foreign policy and critique of warmongering attitudes.
  • [00:21:07] Discussion on the misalignment of certain political candidates with libertarian and Christian values.
  • [00:27:10] Reflection on the challenges of integrating Christian values in political engagement.
  • [00:34:23] Introduction to the Socratic Method and its application in learning and critical thinking.
  • [00:43:43] The importance of the Socratic Method in different life domains, including parenting and professional development.
  • [00:50:34] Addressing common objections to the use of philosophy and human reason in the Christian faith.
  • [00:57:09] Closing remarks and information on supporting the podcast.

Additional Resources:

  1. Kerry Baldwin’s website and podcast:
  2. Liberty Seminar Courses:
  3. Liberty Seminar Promo:
  4. Kerry’s Previous BAP Appearance:
  5. Reformed Libertarians Podcast:


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The Christians for Liberty Network is a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute consisting of shows and hosts offering various perspectives on the intersection of Christianity and libertarianism. Views expressed by hosts and guests do not necessarily reflect the view of the organization, its staff, board members, donors, or any other affiliates (including other hosts or guests on the network). Guest appearances or interviews of any incumbents, officials, or candidates for any political, party, or government office should not be construed as endorsements. The Libertarian Christian Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and does not endorse any political party or candidate for any political, government, or party office. For information about the Libertarian Christian Institute’s core values, please visit this page.

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