On Saturdays, I am going to start recapping some of the interesting news highlights of the week. Some things will be serious, and it will always be fun, but by no means will it be comprehensive.
Bob Murphy is looking to raise money to debate Paul Krugman. Big name “mainstream” economists like Krugman demand thousands for a mere appearance, so if this is pulled off it will be an amazing feat. So far he has raised 21k. AND, all money raised will actually be donated to FoodBank.
Rolling Stone published a very interesting article on General Stanley McChrystal in July that I recently read. Old news but good.
The amazing whistleblower organization Wikileaks has released 400,000 new documents, yet again showing the terrible nature of the Iraq War.
Cal Newport has words of wisdom for those falling into the passion trap of perpetually looking for the “perfect job.”
TechCrunch reports on how data that the government collects is being used by private entities in a “silent revolution” of public data analysis. Kind of interesting and creepy at the same time.
Have you written a book you would like to publish? Publish it in the iBookstore.
My favorite comic of the week.
And if anybody knows where I can get some fused silica optical windows with 15 mm diameter and 10 mm thickness, you know where to find me…