Surit Dasgupta

Staff Contributor

Surit is a writer and painter from Mumbai, India. He is an avid student of philosophy, anthropology, and theology. He also has an arts degree from the All India Fine Arts Association.

Surit’s worldview was drastically changed by reading the works of Dostoevsky, Solzhenitsyn, and René Girard. He was introduced to Ron Paul when Dr. Paul was campaigning for the Presidency of the United States. Since then he attempts in his writing to discover and extract meaning out of life, using the above mentioned influences, and hopes to bring life-a!rming messages in the process.
Surit believes that the anthropological implication of the gospel cannot be ignored as it gives us freedom, moves us towards voluntary self-giving, and shows us a non-violent way of living life.

Favorite Figures

Ron Paul, Friedrich Hayek, and Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Must Reads

Crime and Punishment, Gulag Archipelago, In the First Circle, and The Brothers Karamazov.

Favorite Films

The Dark Knight, Passion of the Christ, and Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

Fun Fact

Loves sweets and chocolate

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