Join Doug Stuart in reading On Civil Government, by David Lipscomb
Book Description
What relationship should the Christian have with government and politics? Can the child of God vote? Campaign for candidates? Run for office? And at what cost? Does Scripture mandate a separation of church and state?
Formerly a supporter of American democracy, David Lipscomb became an outspoken opponent of a Christian’s involvement in civil government, due primarily to the bitterness and rancor of the American Civil War. Lipscomb’s book, On Civil Government, originated as a series of articles on the subject.
This new edition is prayerfully offered to Christians as a plea not to allow the American political process to rob the church of her love and compassion for others, to tempt her to place her trust in man, nor distract her from the Great Commission.
130 pages
Book Club Details
- $25 to join (is actually a donation to LCI)
- Cost of the book itself (Amazon link, OpenLibrary copy here)
- 4 one-hour discussion sessions (see dates below)
Discussion Session Dates
All session times 6-7pm EDT
- September 12
- September 19
- September 26
- October 3