Summary – What Does it Mean to ‘Believe the Science’?
We are looking at Thomas Kuhn’s classic work The Structure of Scientific Revolution, and his conclusion that science can’t explain everything and that scientists are just as subjective as the rest of us. We then look at how the government uses the myth of objective science to grow the state, as well as how science is not a threat to either the Bible or Christian faith.
Episode Outline:
I. | Science, Religion, and Politics |
II. | The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn (1962) |
III. | The Political Problem of Science |
IV. | The Theological Problem of Science |
Media Referenced:
- The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn
- The Postmodern Condition, Jean-Francois Lyotard
- The Anatomy of the State, Murray Rothbard