The Libertarian Christian Response to the Hamas Terror Attack on Israel

The Libertarian Christian Response to the Hamas Terror Attack on Israel


This episode explores how libertarian principles of property rights and voluntary interactions conflict with the nature of war and state actions. It particularly focuses on how war and government interventions can distort market economies and human relationships, leading to negative consequences, termed as “blowback”. This is a reading of an opening statement from a debate Jacob did with Jack Lloyd on the subject of the libertarian response to the

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. A significant part of the discussion is dedicated to analyzing the situation in Israel and Gaza from a libertarian viewpoint, emphasizing the historical and current actions of state forces leading to cycles of aggression and retaliation. Regard is also given to the controversies within libertarian circles regarding the conflict and coverage of Hamas and the Israeli government

Key Questions and Answers:

  1. What should the libertarian response be to the war in Gaza?

    • Answer: Libertarians should consistently apply their principles of non-aggression and respect for property rights, analyzing all state actions, including those of Israel, through this lens. Historical aggressions by state actors, such as those by Israel, are seen as violations of these principles, often leading to violent blowback, similar to market crashes following economic interventions.
  2. Why is there controversy among libertarians about criticizing Israel?

    • Answer: Some libertarians hesitate to apply the same critical framework to Israel that they apply to the American government, possibly due to biases or differing views on the geopolitical context. Others, like Jack in the discussion, argue that criticisms of Israel are influenced by non-libertarian (leftist or anti-Western) perspectives, while failing to equally criticize other aggressive actors in the region.
  3. Is the situation in Israel fundamentally different from other conflicts?

    • Answer: Jacob argues that it is not fundamentally different. The history of Zionism, the role of radical Zionists, and subsequent state actions by Israel have all contributed to a cycle of aggression and blowback, where policies of the Netanyahu administration and past actions have exacerbated tensions and violence.
  4. How do libertarians view the role of the U.S. in supporting Israel?

    • Answer: Many libertarians critique the U.S. support for Israel, arguing that it significantly influences American foreign policy and contributes to conflicts in the Middle East. The discussion highlights the need for special attention and criticism towards Israel due to its impact on U.S. politics and policies, while still acknowledging other conflicts and acts of aggression globally.

Timestamped Outline


Importance of respectful discourse; emphasis on positive relationships and peacemaking despite differences in opinion. Mention of Jack’s contributions to the libertarian movement and intention to release audio of a previous discussion on private property rights


Government interference distorts natural market outcomes in mixed economies.


Government intervention creates distortions in both the economy and human interactions, as it goes against the non-aggression principle and disrupts the natural flow of human action and economic calculations. Ludwig von Mises, the founder of Austrian Economics, emphasized the idea that human action is the basis of the economy, with individuals making subjective value judgments and economic calculations to determine their actions. This perspective aligns with the libertarian belief that all societal interactions are, in a sense, within the realm of economics, as it encompasses human action in various ways and degrees.


State military operations result in inevitable blowback, illustrated by historical aggressions and violence escalation in human interactions and foreign relationships. Some libertarians have reservations about applying this framework to the conflict in Israel, as they believe that many criticisms of Israel are either overstating state aggression or understating the responsibility of other actors in the Middle East.


The transcript mentions the Martyr Made podcast by Daryl Cooper, which offers a critical analysis of history and humanizes different groups, even those typically criticized. It discusses the evolution of Zionism, influenced by anti-Semitism and British promises during World War 1. It also addresses the tensions and conflicts relating to the Zionists and Palestinians in the 1940s.


Israeli policies in Gaza have been accused of creating conditions resembling concentration camps and supporting Hamas to hinder peace efforts. The claim is supported by evidence that Israel assisted in the creation and empowerment of Hamas to counterbalance the Palestine Liberation Organization, thus preventing the unification of Palestinian territories under moderate leadership and maintaining control over the peace process.


Disengagement plan effectively halts peace process and prevents establishment of Palestinian state, according to Sharon’s senior adviser Dov Weisglass. The plan, supported by the US, is seen as formaldehyde, keeping Israel in an interim situation and legitimizing the idea that there is no one to negotiate with.


Other quotes given and summarized, suggestions for further reading made. References to escalations of violence in Gaza pre-10/7


Haze of war leads to misinformation regarding number of casualties and false reports/allegations being made


Examination of casualty numbers refutes Israeli propaganda.


Libertarians are committed to peace and justice, and they criticize the Israeli government for its disproportionate use of violence and disregard for human rights in Israel and Gaza. They question why there is a disproportionate focus on Israel in media coverage and point out that many in the movement also address conflicts in other parts of the world such as Ukraine, Russia, China, and Yemen.


Summary of main argument/goal, debate was centered on establishing the need for equal condemnation of Hamas and the IDF based on a consistent standard


Utilizing podcast to distinguish facts from propaganda.

Summary: This episode provides a comprehensive libertarian critique of the war in Gaza, discussing historical contexts, current events, and internal debates within libertarian circles about the application of their principles to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It emphasizes the importance of consistency in applying libertarian ideals, regardless of the political or cultural context, to advocate for peace and justice in international relations. Link to full debate here:

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The Christians for Liberty Network is a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute consisting of shows and hosts offering various perspectives on the intersection of Christianity and libertarianism. Views expressed by hosts and guests do not necessarily reflect the view of the organization, its staff, board members, donors, or any other affiliates (including other hosts or guests on the network). Guest appearances or interviews of any incumbents, officials, or candidates for any political, party, or government office should not be construed as endorsements. The Libertarian Christian Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and does not endorse any political party or candidate for any political, government, or party office. For information about the Libertarian Christian Institute’s core values, please visit this page.

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