The Case for Crypto With Joël Valenzuela GodArchy Podcast 3.2

What good is cryptocurrency anyway?

With the steep decline in the price of bitcoin and the high-profile bankruptcy of the FTX exchange, you might be asking that question. But despite all of the negative press of late, there is still great potential for cryptocurrency.

In this episode of the GodArchy podcast, I talk with Joël Valenzuela about all things crypto. Joël knows a little bit about cryptocurrency because he has been using it exclusively in his daily life for over seven years. That means he’s not using dollars at all. He does all of his transactions – from buying groceries to paying his phone bill – using cryptocurrencies.

Joël and I cover a wide range of topics surrounding crypto, from the basic “what is this” to the demise of the FTX exchange. He also explains how he’s able to navigate his daily life using only crypto.


Digital Cash Network on YouTube: @DigitalCashNetwork

Joël’s Twitter: @TheDesertLynx

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