Pontius Pilate the Politician: GodArchy Podcast Episode 2.6

You can’t trust politicians!

Pontius Pilate is the archetypical politician, and the way Pilate handled Jesus’s trial teaches a lot of lessons about political power, the political process, democracy — and why we shouldn’t trust any of it.

In this episode of the GodArchy podcast, I talk about some of these lessons.

Walking through the account of Jesus’s trial before Pilate, I delve into a number of spiritual and political issues including the characteristics that make Pilate the quintessential politician, the implications of the crowd choosing Barabbas over Jesus, the danger of democracy, and why we shouldn’t ever count on the political process to make the world a more peaceful or prosperous place.

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The Christians for Liberty Network is a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute consisting of shows and hosts offering various perspectives on the intersection of Christianity and libertarianism. Views expressed by hosts and guests do not necessarily reflect the view of the organization, its staff, board members, donors, or any other affiliates (including other hosts or guests on the network). Guest appearances or interviews of any incumbents, officials, or candidates for any political, party, or government office should not be construed as endorsements. The Libertarian Christian Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and does not endorse any political party or candidate for any political, government, or party office. For information about the Libertarian Christian Institute’s core values, please visit this page.

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