Summary – Marxism, a Social and Political Creed
In part two of our mini-series on creeds, we take a look at how Marxism, and the historical philosophy of G.F. Hegel which undergirds it, has operated as a social, historical, and political creed for nearly 200 years.
Episode Outline:
I. | A review of part one (episode 5) |
II. | Georg Fredric Wilhelm Hegel (1770 – 1831) |
III. | Carl Marx (1818-1883) |
IV. | The Interpretive Problem |
Next Week: We will be discussing Biblical interpretation – how do we come to an understanding of what the authors of the Bible were trying to say, and discussing what the Bible is and is not.
Media Referenced:
- Karl Marx – The Communist Manifesto
- Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy
- Robin Diangelo, White Fragility